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Don't use curlog in the finite field case
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YaelDillies committed Sep 2, 2024
1 parent e4da86f commit 13f007e
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Showing 2 changed files with 73 additions and 53 deletions.
125 changes: 73 additions & 52 deletions LeanAPAP/FiniteField/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Finite.Basic
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.Combinatorics.Additive.FreimanHom
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.Data.Finset.Pointwise.Basic
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.Convolution.ThreeAP
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.Curlog
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LargeSpec
import LeanAPAP.Physics.AlmostPeriodicity
import LeanAPAP.Physics.Unbalancing
Expand All @@ -19,17 +18,38 @@ open scoped NNReal BigOperators Combinatorics.Additive Pointwise

universe u
variable {G : Type u} [AddCommGroup G] [DecidableEq G] [Fintype G] [MeasurableSpace G]
[DiscreteMeasurableSpace G] {A C : Finset G} {γ ε : ℝ}
[DiscreteMeasurableSpace G] {A C : Finset G} {x γ ε : ℝ}

local notation "𝓛" x:arg => 1 + log x⁻¹

private lemma curlog_pos (hx₀ : 0 ≤ x) (hx₁ : x ≤ 1) : 0 < 𝓛 x := by
obtain rfl | hx₀ := hx₀.eq_or_lt
· simp
have : 0 ≤ log x⁻¹ := log_nonneg $ one_le_inv (by positivity) hx₁

private lemma rpow_inv_neg_curlog_le (hx₀ : 0 ≤ x) (hx₁ : x ≤ 1) : x⁻¹ ^ (𝓛 x)⁻¹ ≤ exp 1 := by
obtain rfl | hx₀ := hx₀.eq_or_lt
· simp; positivity
obtain rfl | hx₁ := hx₁.eq_or_lt
· simp
have hx := one_lt_inv hx₀ hx₁
x⁻¹ ^ (𝓛 x)⁻¹ ≤ x⁻¹ ^ (log x⁻¹)⁻¹ := by
· exact hx.le
· exact log_pos hx
· simp
_ ≤ exp 1 := x⁻¹.rpow_inv_log_le_exp_one

lemma global_dichotomy (hA : A.Nonempty) (hγC : γ ≤ C.dens) (hγ : 0 < γ)
(hAC : ε ≤ |card G * ⟪μ A ∗ μ A, μ C⟫_[ℝ] - 1|) :
ε / (2 * card G) ≤
‖balance (μ_[ℝ] A) ○ balance (μ A)‖_[↑(2 * ⌈γ.curlog⌉₊), const _ (card G)⁻¹] := by
ε / (2 * card G) ≤ ‖balance (μ_[ℝ] A) ○ balance (μ A)‖_[↑(2 * ⌈𝓛 γ⌉₊), const _ (card G)⁻¹] := by
have hC : C.Nonempty := by simpa using hγ.trans_le hγC
have hγ₁ : γ ≤ 1 := hγC.trans (by norm_cast; exact dens_le_one)
set p := 2 * ⌈γ.curlog⌉₊
set p := 2 * ⌈𝓛 γ⌉₊
have hp : 1 < p :=
Nat.succ_le_iff.1 (le_mul_of_one_le_right zero_le' $ Nat.ceil_pos.2 $ curlog_pos hγ hγ₁)
Nat.succ_le_iff.1 (le_mul_of_one_le_right zero_le' $ Nat.ceil_pos.2 $ curlog_pos hγ.le hγ₁)
have hp' : (p⁻¹ : ℝ≥0) < 1 := inv_lt_one $ mod_cast hp
have hp'' : (p : ℝ≥0).IsConjExponent _ := .conjExponent $ mod_cast hp
rw [mul_comm, ← div_div, div_le_iff₀ (zero_lt_two' ℝ)]
Expand All @@ -41,7 +61,7 @@ lemma global_dichotomy (hA : A.Nonempty) (hγC : γ ≤ C.dens) (hγ : 0 < γ)
_ ≤ ‖balance (μ_[ℝ] A) ○ balance (μ A)‖_[p] * (card G ^ (-(p : ℝ)⁻¹) * γ ^ (-(p : ℝ)⁻¹)) :=
mul_le_mul (dLpNorm_conv_le_dLpNorm_dconv' (by positivity) (even_two_mul _) _) ?_
(by positivity) (by positivity)
_ = ‖balance (μ_[ℝ] A) ○ balance (μ A)‖_[↑(2 * ⌈γ.curlog⌉₊), const _ (card G)⁻¹] *
_ = ‖balance (μ_[ℝ] A) ○ balance (μ A)‖_[↑(2 * ⌈𝓛 γ⌉₊), const _ (card G)⁻¹] *
γ ^ (-(p : ℝ)⁻¹) := ?_
_ ≤ _ := mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left ?_ $ by positivity
· rw [← balance_conv, balance, dL2Inner_sub_left, dL2Inner_const_left, expect_conv, sum_mu ℝ hA,
Expand All @@ -55,14 +75,18 @@ lemma global_dichotomy (hA : A.Nonempty) (hγC : γ ≤ C.dens) (hγ : 0 < γ)
any_goals positivity
exact ENNReal.natCast_ne_top _
· dsimp [p]
rw [← neg_mul, rpow_mul, one_div, rpow_inv_le_iff_of_pos]
exact (rpow_le_rpow_of_exponent_ge hγ hγ₁ $ neg_le_neg $
inv_le_inv_of_le (curlog_pos hγ hγ₁) $ Nat.le_ceil _).trans $
(rpow_neg_inv_curlog_le hγ.le hγ₁).trans $ exp_one_lt_d9.le.trans $ by norm_num
all_goals positivity
· have : 1 ≤ γ⁻¹ := one_le_inv hγ hγ₁
have : 0 ≤ log γ⁻¹ := log_nonneg this
γ ^ (-(↑p)⁻¹ : ℝ) = √(γ⁻¹ ^ ((↑⌈1 + log γ⁻¹⌉₊)⁻¹ : ℝ)) := by
rw [rpow_neg hγ.le, inv_rpow hγ.le]
unfold_let p
rw [mul_inv_rev, rpow_mul, sqrt_eq_rpow, one_div, inv_rpow] <;> positivity
_ ≤ √(γ⁻¹ ^ ((1 + log γ⁻¹)⁻¹ : ℝ)) := by gcongr; assumption; exact Nat.le_ceil _
_ ≤ √ (exp 1) := by gcongr; exact rpow_inv_neg_curlog_le hγ.le hγ₁
_ ≤ √ 2.7182818286 := by gcongr; exact exp_one_lt_d9.le
_ ≤ 2 := by rw [sqrt_le_iff]; norm_num

variable {q n : ℕ} [Module (ZMod q) G] {A₁ A₂ : Finset G} (S : Finset G) {α : ℝ}

Expand All @@ -71,7 +95,7 @@ lemma ap_in_ff (hS : S.Nonempty) (hα₀ : 0 < α) (hε₀ : 0 < ε) (hε₁ :
∃ (V : Submodule (ZMod q) G) (V' : Finset G),
(V : Set G) = V' ∧
↑(finrank (ZMod q) G - finrank (ZMod q) V) ≤
2 ^ 27 * α.curlog ^ 2 * (ε * α).curlog ^ 2 / ε ^ 2
2 ^ 27 * 𝓛 α ^ 2 * 𝓛 (ε * α) ^ 2 / ε ^ 2
|∑ x in S, (μ V' ∗ μ A₁ ∗ μ A₂) x - ∑ x in S, (μ A₁ ∗ μ A₂) x| ≤ ε := by
have hA₁ : A₁.Nonempty := by simpa using hα₀.trans_le hαA₁
Expand All @@ -81,7 +105,7 @@ lemma ap_in_ff (hS : S.Nonempty) (hα₀ : 0 < α) (hε₀ : 0 < ε) (hε₁ :
_ ≤ (A₁.dens⁻¹ : ℝ) := by norm_cast; exact addConst_le_inv_dens
_ ≤ α⁻¹ := by gcongr
obtain ⟨T, hST, hT⟩ := AlmostPeriodicity.linfty_almost_periodicity_boosted ε hε₀ hε₁
⌈(ε * α / 4).curlog⌉₊ (Nat.ceil_pos.2 $ curlog_pos (by positivity) sorry).ne' sorry hA₁
𝓛 (ε * α / 4)⌉₊ (Nat.ceil_pos.2 $ curlog_pos (by positivity) sorry).ne' sorry hA₁
univ_nonempty S A₂ hS hA₂
let Δ := largeSpec (μ T) 2⁻¹
let V : AddSubgroup G := ⨅ γ ∈ Δ, γ.toAddMonoidHom.ker
Expand All @@ -100,7 +124,7 @@ lemma di_in_ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) (hε₀ : 0 < ε) (hε₁ : ε <
(hγC : γ ≤ C.dens) (hγ : 0 < γ) (hAC : ε ≤ |card G * ⟪μ A ∗ μ A, μ C⟫_[ℝ] - 1|) :
∃ (V : Submodule (ZMod q) G) (_ : DecidablePred (· ∈ V)),
↑(finrank (ZMod q) G - finrank (ZMod q) V) ≤
2 ^ 171 * α.curlog ^ 4 * γ.curlog ^ 4 / ε ^ 24
2 ^ 171 * 𝓛 α ^ 4 * 𝓛 γ ^ 4 / ε ^ 24
(1 + ε / 32) * α ≤ ‖𝟭_[ℝ] A ∗ μ (Set.toFinset V)‖_[⊤] := by
obtain rfl | hA := A.eq_empty_or_nonempty
· stop
Expand All @@ -112,7 +136,7 @@ lemma di_in_ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) (hε₀ : 0 < ε) (hε₁ : ε <
exact ⟨by positivity, mul_nonpos_of_nonneg_of_nonpos (by positivity) hαA⟩
have hγ₁ : γ ≤ 1 := hγC.trans (by norm_cast; exact dens_le_one)
have hG : (card G : ℝ) ≠ 0 := by positivity
have := unbalancing _ (mul_ne_zero two_ne_zero (Nat.ceil_pos.2 $ curlog_pos hγ hγ₁).ne') (ε / 2)
have := unbalancing _ (mul_ne_zero two_ne_zero (Nat.ceil_pos.2 $ curlog_pos hγ.le hγ₁).ne') (ε / 2)
(by positivity) (div_le_one_of_le (hε₁.le.trans $ by norm_num) $ by norm_num)
(const _ (card G)⁻¹) (card G • (balance (μ A) ○ balance (μ A)))
(sqrt (card G) • balance (μ A)) (const _ (card G)⁻¹) ?_ ?_ ?_ ?_
Expand All @@ -127,14 +151,14 @@ lemma di_in_ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) (hε₀ : 0 < ε) (hε₁ : ε <
-- simp only [Nonneg.coe_one, inv_one, rpow_one, norm_inv, norm_coe_nat,
-- mul_inv_cancel₀ (show (card G : ℝ) ≠ 0 by positivity)]
· have hγ' : (1 : ℝ≥0) ≤ 2 * ⌈γ.curlog⌉₊ := sorry
· have hγ' : (1 : ℝ≥0) ≤ 2 * ⌈𝓛 γ⌉₊ := sorry
-- simpa [wLpNorm_nsmul hγ', ← nsmul_eq_mul, div_le_iff' (show (0 : ℝ) < card G by positivity),
-- ← div_div, *] using global_dichotomy hA hγC hγ hAC

theorem ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) {A : Finset G} (hA₀ : A.Nonempty)
(hA : ThreeAPFree (α := G) A) : finrank (ZMod q) G ≤ 2 ^ 203 * curlog A.dens ^ 9 := by
(hA : ThreeAPFree (α := G) A) : finrank (ZMod q) G ≤ 2 ^ 203 * 𝓛 A.dens ^ 9 := by
let n : ℝ := finrank (ZMod q) G
let α : ℝ := A.dens
have : 1 < (q : ℝ) := mod_cast hq₃.trans_lt' (by norm_num)
Expand All @@ -145,31 +169,30 @@ theorem ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) {A : Finset G} (hA₀ : A.Nonempty)
have : 1 ≤ α⁻¹ := one_le_inv (by positivity) (by simp [α])
have hα₀ : 0 < α := by positivity
have : 0 ≤ log α⁻¹ := log_nonneg ‹_›
have : 0 ≤ curlog α := curlog_nonneg (by positivity) (by simp [α])
have : 0 < 𝓛 α := by positivity
have : 0 < log q := log_pos ‹_›
obtain hα | hα := le_total (q ^ (n / 2) : ℝ) (2 * α⁻¹ ^ 2)
· rw [rpow_le_iff_le_log, log_mul, log_pow, Nat.cast_two, ← mul_div_right_comm,
mul_div_assoc, ← le_div_iff₀] at hα
_ ≤ (log 2 + 2 * log α⁻¹) / (log q / 2) := hα
_ = 4 / log q * (log α⁻¹ + log 2 / 2) := by ring
_ ≤ 2 ^ 203 * (0 + 2) ^ 8 * (log α⁻¹ + 2) := by
_ = 4 / log q * (log 2 / 2 + log α⁻¹) := by ring
_ ≤ 2 ^ 203 * (1 + 0) ^ 8 * (1 + log α⁻¹) := by
· calc
4 / log q ≤ 4 / log 3 := by gcongr; assumption_mod_cast
_ ≤ 4 / log 2 := by gcongr; norm_num
_ ≤ 4 / 0.6931471803 := by gcongr; exact log_two_gt_d9.le
_ ≤ 2 ^ 203 * (0 + 2) ^ 8 := by norm_num
_ ≤ 2 ^ 203 * (1 + 0) ^ 8 := by norm_num
· calc
log 2 / 20.6931471808 / 2 := by gcongr; exact log_two_lt_d9.le
_ ≤ 2 := by norm_num
_ ≤ 2 ^ 203 * (log α⁻¹ + 2) ^ 8 * (log α⁻¹ + 2) := by gcongr
_ = 2 ^ 203 * curlog α ^ 9 := by
rw [curlog_eq_log_inv_add_two, pow_succ _ 8, mul_assoc]; positivity
_ ≤ 1 := by norm_num
_ ≤ 2 ^ 203 * 𝓛 α ^ 8 * 𝓛 α := by gcongr
_ = 2 ^ 203 * 𝓛 α ^ 9 := by rw [pow_succ _ 8, mul_assoc]
all_goals positivity
have ind (i : ℕ) :
∃ (V : Type u) (_ : AddCommGroup V) (_ : Fintype V) (_ : DecidableEq V) (_ : Module (ZMod q) V)
(B : Finset V), n ≤ finrank (ZMod q) V + 2 ^ 195 * i * curlog α ^ 8 ∧ ThreeAPFree (B : Set V)
(B : Finset V), n ≤ finrank (ZMod q) V + 2 ^ 195 * i * 𝓛 α ^ 8 ∧ ThreeAPFree (B : Set V)
∧ α ≤ B.dens ∧
(B.dens < (65 / 64 : ℝ) ^ i * α →
2⁻¹ ≤ card V * ⟪μ B ∗ μ B, μ (B.image (2 • ·))⟫_[ℝ]) := by
Expand All @@ -182,7 +205,7 @@ theorem ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) {A : Finset G} (hA₀ : A.Nonempty)
hV.trans (by gcongr; exact i.le_succ), hB, hαβ, fun _ ↦ hB'⟩
let _ : MeasurableSpace V := ⊤
have : DiscreteMeasurableSpace V := ⟨fun _ ↦ trivial⟩
have : 0 ≤ curlog B.dens := curlog_nonneg (by positivity) (by simp)
have : 0 < 𝓛 B.dens := curlog_pos (by positivity) (by simp)
have : 2⁻¹ ≤ |card V * ⟪μ B ∗ μ B, μ (B.image (2 • ·))⟫_[ℝ] - 1| := by
rw [abs_sub_comm, le_abs, le_sub_comm]
norm_num at hB' ⊢
Expand All @@ -198,13 +221,13 @@ theorem ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) {A : Finset G} (hA₀ : A.Nonempty)
refine ⟨V', inferInstance, inferInstance, inferInstance, inferInstance, B', ?_, ?_, ?_,
fun h ↦ ?_⟩
· calc
n ≤ finrank (ZMod q) V + 2 ^ 195 * i * curlog α ^ 8 := hV
n ≤ finrank (ZMod q) V + 2 ^ 195 * i * 𝓛 α ^ 8 := hV
_ ≤ finrank (ZMod q) V' + ↑(finrank (ZMod q) V - finrank (ZMod q) V') +
2 ^ 195 * i * curlog α ^ 8 := by gcongr; norm_cast; exact le_add_tsub
_ ≤ finrank (ZMod q) V' + 2 ^ 171 * curlog B.dens ^ 4 * curlog α ^ 4 / 2⁻¹ ^ 24 +
2 ^ 195 * i * curlog α ^ 8 := by gcongr
_ ≤ finrank (ZMod q) V' + 2 ^ 171 * curlog α ^ 4 * curlog α ^ 4 / 2⁻¹ ^ 24 +
2 ^ 195 * i * curlog α ^ 8 := by gcongr; sorry
2 ^ 195 * i * 𝓛 α ^ 8 := by gcongr; norm_cast; exact le_add_tsub
_ ≤ finrank (ZMod q) V' + 2 ^ 171 * 𝓛 B.dens ^ 4 * 𝓛 α ^ 4 / 2⁻¹ ^ 24 +
2 ^ 195 * i * 𝓛 α ^ 8 := by gcongr
_ ≤ finrank (ZMod q) V' + 2 ^ 171 * 𝓛 α ^ 4 * 𝓛 α ^ 4 / 2⁻¹ ^ 24 +
2 ^ 195 * i * 𝓛 α ^ 8 := by gcongr; sorry
_ = _ := by push_cast; ring
· exact .of_image .subtypeVal Set.injOn_subtype_val (Set.subset_univ _)
(hB.vadd_set (a := -x) |>.mono $ by simp [B'])
Expand All @@ -217,7 +240,7 @@ theorem ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) {A : Finset G} (hA₀ : A.Nonempty)
(65 / 64) ^ (i + 1) * α = (1 + 64⁻¹) * ((65 / 64) ^ i * α) := by ring
_ ≤ (1 + 64⁻¹) * B.dens := by gcongr; simpa [hB'.not_le] using hBV
_ ≤ B'.dens := hβ
obtain ⟨V, _, _, _, _, B, hV, hB, hαβ, hBV⟩ := ind ⌊curlog α / log (65 / 64)⌋₊
obtain ⟨V, _, _, _, _, B, hV, hB, hαβ, hBV⟩ := ind ⌊𝓛 α / log (65 / 64)⌋₊
let β : ℝ := B.dens
have aux : 0 < log (65 / 64) := log_pos (by norm_num)
specialize hBV $ by
Expand All @@ -228,19 +251,17 @@ theorem ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) {A : Finset G} (hA₀ : A.Nonempty)
log α⁻¹ / log (65 / 64)
< ⌊log α⁻¹ / log (65 / 64)⌋₊ + 1 := Nat.lt_floor_add_one _
_ = ⌊(log α⁻¹ + log (65 / 64)) / log (65 / 64)⌋₊ := by
rw [← div_add_one', Nat.floor_add_one, Nat.cast_succ]
_ = ⌊(log (65 / 64) + log α⁻¹) / log (65 / 64)⌋₊ := by
rw [add_comm (log _), ← div_add_one', Nat.floor_add_one, Nat.cast_succ]
exact div_nonneg (log_nonneg $ one_le_inv (by positivity) (by simp [α])) aux.le
_ ≤ ⌊curlog α / log (65 / 64)⌋₊ := by
rw [curlog_eq_log_inv_add_two]
_ ≤ ⌊𝓛 α / log (65 / 64)⌋₊ := by
· calc
log (65 / 64) ≤ 65/64 - 1 := log_le_sub_one_of_pos $ by norm_num
_ ≤ 2 := by norm_num
· positivity
log (65 / 64) ≤ 65/64 - 1 := log_le_sub_one_of_pos $ by norm_num
_ ≤ 1 := by norm_num
all_goals positivity
rw [hB.dL2Inner_mu_conv_mu_mu_two_smul_mu] at hBV
suffices h : (q ^ (n - 2 ^ 202 * curlog α ^ 9) : ℝ) ≤ q ^ (n / 2) by
suffices h : (q ^ (n - 2 ^ 202 * 𝓛 α ^ 9) : ℝ) ≤ q ^ (n / 2) by
rwa [rpow_le_rpow_left_iff ‹_›, sub_le_comm, sub_half, div_le_iff₀' zero_lt_two, ← mul_assoc,
← pow_succ'] at h
Expand All @@ -249,18 +270,18 @@ theorem ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) {A : Finset G} (hA₀ : A.Nonempty)
· assumption
rw [sub_le_comm]
n - finrank (ZMod q) V ≤ 2 ^ 195 * ⌊curlog α / log (65 / 64)⌋₊ * curlog α ^ 8 := by
n - finrank (ZMod q) V ≤ 2 ^ 195 * ⌊𝓛 α / log (65 / 64)⌋₊ * 𝓛 α ^ 8 := by
rwa [sub_le_iff_le_add']
_ ≤ 2 ^ 195 * (curlog α / log (65 / 64)) * curlog α ^ 8 := by
_ ≤ 2 ^ 195 * (𝓛 α / log (65 / 64)) * 𝓛 α ^ 8 := by
gcongr; exact Nat.floor_le (by positivity)
_ = 2 ^ 195 * (log (65 / 64)) ⁻¹ * curlog α ^ 9 := by ring
_ ≤ 2 ^ 195 * 2 ^ 7 * curlog α ^ 9 := by
_ = 2 ^ 195 * (log (65 / 64)) ⁻¹ * 𝓛 α ^ 9 := by ring
_ ≤ 2 ^ 195 * 2 ^ 7 * 𝓛 α ^ 9 := by
rw [inv_le ‹_› (by positivity)]
(2 ^ 7)⁻¹ ≤ 1 - (65 / 64)⁻¹ := by norm_num
_ ≤ log (65 / 64) := one_sub_inv_le_log_of_pos (by positivity)
_ = 2 ^ 202 * curlog α ^ 9 := by ring
_ = 2 ^ 202 * 𝓛 α ^ 9 := by ring
_ = ↑(card V) := by simp [card_eq_pow_finrank (K := ZMod q) (V := V)]
_ ≤ 2 * β⁻¹ ^ 2 := by
rw [← natCast_card_mul_nnratCast_dens, mul_pow, mul_inv, ← mul_assoc,
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion LeanAPAP/Physics/AlmostPeriodicity.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ open scoped BigOperators Pointwise NNReal ENNReal

variable {G : Type*} [Fintype G] {A S : Finset G} {f : G → ℂ} {x ε K : ℝ} {k m : ℕ}

variable {x : ℝ}
local notation "𝓛" x => 1 + log (min 1 x)⁻¹

private lemma curlog_pos (hx₀ : 0 < x) : 0 < 𝓛 x := by
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