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YaelDillies committed Aug 27, 2024
1 parent 0b00034 commit 91337ef
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Showing 24 changed files with 775 additions and 810 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion LeanAPAP.lean
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Measure.MeasureSpaceDef
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Measure.Typeclasses
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.Order.Filter.Basic
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.Order.LiminfLimsup
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.Probability.ConditionalProbability
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.Tactic.Positivity
import LeanAPAP.Physics.AlmostPeriodicity
import LeanAPAP.Physics.DRC
Expand All @@ -46,7 +47,8 @@ import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.Function.Indicator.Basic
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.Function.Indicator.Defs
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.Function.Translate
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LargeSpec
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LpNorm.Compact
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LpNorm.Compact.Defs
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LpNorm.Compact.Inner
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LpNorm.Discrete.Basic
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LpNorm.Discrete.Defs
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LpNorm.Discrete.Inner
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions LeanAPAP/FiniteField/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ lemma global_dichotomy (hA : A.Nonempty) (hγC : γ ≤ C.dens) (hγ : 0 < γ)
_ ≤ _ := div_le_div_of_nonneg_right hAC (card G).cast_nonneg
_ = |⟪balance (μ A) ∗ balance (μ A), μ C⟫_[ℝ]| := ?_
_ ≤ ‖balance (μ_[ℝ] A) ∗ balance (μ A)‖_[p] * ‖μ_[ℝ] C‖_[NNReal.conjExponent p] :=
abs_l2Inner_le_dLpNorm_mul_dLpNorm hp'' _ _
abs_dL2Inner_le_dLpNorm_mul_dLpNorm hp'' _ _
_ ≤ ‖balance (μ_[ℝ] A) ○ balance (μ A)‖_[p] * (card G ^ (-(p : ℝ)⁻¹) * γ ^ (-(p : ℝ)⁻¹)) :=
mul_le_mul (dLpNorm_conv_le_dLpNorm_dconv' (by positivity) (even_two_mul _) _) ?_
(by positivity) (by positivity)
_ = ‖balance (μ_[ℝ] A) ○ balance (μ A)‖_[↑(2 * ⌈γ.curlog⌉₊), const _ (card G)⁻¹] *
γ ^ (-(p : ℝ)⁻¹) := ?_
_ ≤ _ := mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left ?_ $ by positivity
· rw [← balance_conv, balance, l2Inner_sub_left, l2Inner_const_left, expect_conv, sum_mu ℝ hA,
· rw [← balance_conv, balance, dL2Inner_sub_left, dL2Inner_const_left, expect_conv, sum_mu ℝ hA,
expect_mu ℝ hA, sum_mu ℝ hC, conj_trivial, one_mul, mul_one, ← mul_inv_cancel₀, ← mul_sub,
abs_mul, abs_of_nonneg, mul_div_cancel_left₀] <;> positivity
· rw [dLpNorm_mu hp''.symm.one_le hC, hp''.symm.coe.inv_sub_one, NNReal.coe_natCast, ← mul_rpow]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ lemma ap_in_ff (hS : S.Nonempty) (hα₀ : 0 < α) (hε₀ : 0 < ε) (hε₁ :
_ = ⟪μ V', μ A₁ ∗ μ A₂ ○ 𝟭 S⟫_[ℝ] := by
-- rw [conv_assoc, conv_l2Inner, ← conj_l2Inner]
-- rw [conv_assoc, conv_dL2Inner, ← conj_dL2Inner]
-- simp

_ = _ := sorry
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ theorem ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) {A : Finset G} (hA₀ : A.Nonempty)
_ ≤ 2 := by norm_num
· positivity
all_goals positivity
rw [hB.l2Inner_mu_conv_mu_mu_two_smul_mu] at hBV
rw [hB.dL2Inner_mu_conv_mu_mu_two_smul_mu] at hBV
suffices h : (q ^ (n - 65 * curlog α ^ 9) : ℝ) ≤ q ^ (n / 2) by
rw [rpow_le_rpow_left_iff ‹_›, sub_le_comm, sub_half, div_le_iff₀' zero_lt_two, ← mul_assoc] at h
norm_num at h
Expand Down
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions LeanAPAP/Mathlib/Algebra/Algebra/Rat.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Rat

variable {α : Type*}

instance [Semiring α] [Module ℚ≥0 α] : SMulCommClass ℚ≥0 α α where
smul_comm q a b := sorry

instance [Semiring α] [Module ℚ≥0 α] : SMulCommClass α ℚ≥0 α := .symm ..

instance [Semiring α] [Module ℚ≥0 α] : IsScalarTower ℚ≥0 α α where
smul_assoc q a b := sorry

instance [Ring α] [Module ℚ α] : SMulCommClass ℚ α α where
smul_comm q a b := sorry

instance [Ring α] [Module ℚ α] : SMulCommClass α ℚ α := .symm ..

instance [Ring α] [Module ℚ α] : IsScalarTower ℚ α α where
smul_assoc q a b := sorry
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions LeanAPAP/Mathlib/Algebra/Star/Basic.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import Mathlib.Algebra.Star.Basic

Swap arguments to `star_nsmul`/`star_zsmul`

variable {α : Type*}

instance StarAddMonoid.toStarModuleInt [AddCommGroup α] [StarAddMonoid α] : StarModule ℤ α where
star_smul _ _ := star_zsmul _ _
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions LeanAPAP/Mathlib/Algebra/Star/Rat.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Defs
import Mathlib.Algebra.Star.Rat

variable {α : Type*}

@[simp] lemma star_nnqsmul [AddCommMonoid α] [Module ℚ≥0 α] [StarAddMonoid α] (q : ℚ≥0) (a : α) :
star (q • a) = q • star a := sorry

@[simp] lemma star_qsmul [AddCommGroup α] [Module ℚ α] [StarAddMonoid α] (q : ℚ) (a : α) :
star (q • a) = q • star a := sorry

instance StarAddMonoid.toStarModuleNNRat [AddCommMonoid α] [Module ℚ≥0 α] [StarAddMonoid α] :
StarModule ℚ≥0 α where star_smul := star_nnqsmul

instance StarAddMonoid.toStarModuleRat [AddCommGroup α] [Module ℚ α] [StarAddMonoid α] :
StarModule ℚ α where star_smul := star_qsmul
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions LeanAPAP/Mathlib/Probability/ConditionalProbability.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import Mathlib.Probability.ConditionalProbability

open ENNReal MeasureTheory MeasureTheory.Measure MeasurableSpace Set

variable {Ω Ω' α : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} {m' : MeasurableSpace Ω'} (μ : Measure Ω)
{s t : Set Ω}

namespace ProbabilityTheory

@[simp] lemma cond_apply_self (hs₀ : μ s ≠ 0) (hs : μ s ≠ ∞) : μ[|s] s = 1 := by
simpa [cond] using ENNReal.inv_mul_cancel hs₀ hs

end ProbabilityTheory
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions LeanAPAP/Physics/DRC.lean
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ private lemma lemma_0 (p : ℕ) (B₁ B₂ A : Finset G) (f : G → ℝ) :
∑ s, ⟪𝟭_[ℝ] (B₁ ∩ c p A s) ○ 𝟭 (B₂ ∩ c p A s), f⟫_[ℝ] =
(B₁.card * B₂.card) • ∑ x, (μ_[ℝ] B₁ ○ μ B₂) x * (𝟭 A ○ 𝟭 A) x ^ p * f x := by
simp_rw [mul_assoc]
simp only [l2Inner_eq_sum, RCLike.conj_to_real, mul_sum, sum_mul, smul_sum,
simp only [dL2Inner_eq_sum, RCLike.conj_to_real, mul_sum, sum_mul, smul_sum,
@sum_comm _ _ (Fin p → G), sum_dconv_mul, dconv_apply_sub, Fintype.sum_pow, map_indicate]
congr with b₁
congr with b₂
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ lemma drc (hp₂ : 2 ≤ p) (f : G → ℝ≥0) (hf : ∃ x, x ∈ B₁ - B₂
have hg : ∀ s, 0 ≤ g s := fun s ↦ by rw [hg_def]; dsimp; positivity
have hgB : ∑ s, g s = B₁.card * B₂.card * ‖𝟭_[ℝ] A ○ 𝟭 A‖_[p, μ B₁ ○ μ B₂] ^ p := by
have hAdconv : 0 ≤ 𝟭_[ℝ] A ○ 𝟭 A := dconv_nonneg indicate_nonneg indicate_nonneg
simpa only [wLpNorm_pow_eq_sum hp₀, l2Inner_eq_sum, sum_dconv, sum_indicate, Pi.one_apply,
simpa only [wLpNorm_pow_eq_sum hp₀, dL2Inner_eq_sum, sum_dconv, sum_indicate, Pi.one_apply,
RCLike.inner_apply, RCLike.conj_to_real, norm_of_nonneg (hAdconv _), mul_one, nsmul_eq_mul,
Nat.cast_mul, ← hg_def, NNReal.smul_def, NNReal.coe_dconv, NNReal.coe_comp_mu]
using lemma_0 p B₁ B₂ A 1
Expand All @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ lemma drc (hp₂ : 2 ≤ p) (f : G → ℝ≥0) (hf : ∃ x, x ∈ B₁ - B₂
refine ⟨_, inter_subset_left (s₂ := c p A s), _, inter_subset_left (s₂ := c p A s), ?_⟩
simp only [indicate_apply, mem_filter, mem_univ, true_and_iff, boole_mul] at hs
split_ifs at hs with h; swap
· simp only [zero_mul, l2Inner_eq_sum, Function.comp_apply, RCLike.inner_apply,
· simp only [zero_mul, dL2Inner_eq_sum, Function.comp_apply, RCLike.inner_apply,
RCLike.conj_to_real] at hs
have : 0 ≤ 𝟭_[ℝ] (A₁ s) ○ 𝟭 (A₂ s) := dconv_nonneg indicate_nonneg indicate_nonneg
-- positivity
Expand All @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ lemma drc (hp₂ : 2 ≤ p) (f : G → ℝ≥0) (hf : ∃ x, x ∈ B₁ - B₂
refine ⟨(lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left (hs.trans_eq' ?_) $ hg s).le, this.trans $ mul_le_of_le_one_right
?_ $ div_le_one_of_le ?_ ?_, this.trans $ mul_le_of_le_one_left ?_ $ div_le_one_of_le ?_ ?_⟩
· simp_rw [A₁, A₂, g, ← card_smul_mu, smul_dconv, dconv_smul, l2Inner_smul_left, star_trivial,
· simp_rw [A₁, A₂, g, ← card_smul_mu, smul_dconv, dconv_smul, dL2Inner_smul_left, star_trivial,
nsmul_eq_mul, mul_assoc]
any_goals positivity
all_goals exact Nat.cast_le.2 $ card_mono inter_subset_left
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ lemma sifting (B₁ B₂ : Finset G) (hε : 0 < ε) (hε₁ : ε ≤ 1) (hδ : 0
_ = ∑ x in (s p ε B₁ B₂ A)ᶜ, (μ A₁ ○ μ A₂) x := ?_
_ = ⟪μ_[ℝ] A₁ ○ μ A₂, (↑) ∘ 𝟭_[ℝ≥0] ((s (↑p) ε B₁ B₂ A)ᶜ)⟫_[ℝ] := by
simp [l2Inner_eq_sum, -mem_compl, -mem_s, apply_ite NNReal.toReal, indicate_apply]
simp [dL2Inner_eq_sum, -mem_compl, -mem_s, apply_ite NNReal.toReal, indicate_apply]
_ ≤ _ := (le_div_iff₀ $ dLpNorm_conv_pos hp₀.ne' hB hA).2 h
_ ≤ _ := ?_
· simp_rw [sub_eq_iff_eq_add', sum_add_sum_compl, sum_dconv, map_mu]
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions LeanAPAP/Physics/Unbalancing.lean
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Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ lemma pow_inner_nonneg' {f : G → ℂ} (hf : f = g ○ g) (hν : (↑) ∘ ν =
⟪f ^ k, (↑) ∘ ν⟫_[ℂ] = ∑ z : Fin k → G, (‖∑ x, (∏ i, conj (g (x + z i))) * h x‖ : ℂ) ^ 2 by
rw [this]
rw [hf, hν, l2Inner_eq_sum]
rw [hf, hν, dL2Inner_eq_sum]
simp only [WithLp.equiv_symm_pi_apply, Pi.pow_apply, RCLike.inner_apply, map_pow]
simp_rw [dconv_apply h, mul_sum]
--TODO: Please make `conv` work here :(
Expand All @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ lemma pow_inner_nonneg' {f : G → ℂ} (hf : f = g ○ g) (hν : (↑) ∘ ν =
lemma pow_inner_nonneg {f : G → ℝ} (hf : (↑) ∘ f = g ○ g) (hν : (↑) ∘ ν = h ○ h) (k : ℕ) :
(0 : ℝ) ≤ ⟪(↑) ∘ ν, f ^ k⟫_[ℝ] := by
-- simpa [← Complex.zero_le_real, starRingEnd_apply, l2Inner_eq_sum]
-- simpa [← Complex.zero_le_real, starRingEnd_apply, dL2Inner_eq_sum]
-- using pow_inner_nonneg' hf hν k

private lemma log_ε_pos (hε₀ : 0 < ε) (hε₁ : ε ≤ 1) : 0 < log (3 / ε) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ private lemma unbalancing' (p : ℕ) (hp : 5 ≤ p) (hp₁ : Odd p) (hε₀ : 0
refine sum_congr rfl fun i _ ↦ ?_
rw [← abs_of_nonneg ((Nat.Odd.sub_odd hp₁ odd_one).pow_nonneg $ f _), abs_pow,
pow_sub_one_mul hp₁', NNReal.smul_def, smul_eq_mul]
· simp [l2Inner_eq_sum, ← sum_add_distrib, ← mul_add, ← pow_sub_one_mul hp₁' (f _),
· simp [dL2Inner_eq_sum, ← sum_add_distrib, ← mul_add, ← pow_sub_one_mul hp₁' (f _),
mul_sum, mul_left_comm (2 : ℝ), add_abs_eq_two_nsmul_posPart]
set P := univ.filter fun i ↦ 0 ≤ f i
set T := univ.filter fun i ↦ 3 / 4 * ε ≤ f i
Expand Down
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions LeanAPAP/Prereqs/AddChar/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ variable [AddGroup G]
section RCLike
variable [RCLike R]

protected lemma l2Inner_self [Fintype G] (ψ : AddChar G R) :
⟪(ψ : G → R), ψ⟫_[R] = Fintype.card G := l2Inner_self_of_norm_eq_one ψ.norm_apply
protected lemma dL2Inner_self [Fintype G] (ψ : AddChar G R) :
⟪(ψ : G → R), ψ⟫_[R] = Fintype.card G := dL2Inner_self_of_norm_eq_one ψ.norm_apply

end RCLike

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,26 +45,26 @@ variable [AddCommGroup G]
section RCLike
variable [RCLike R] {ψ₁ ψ₂ : AddChar G R}

lemma l2Inner_eq [Fintype G] (ψ₁ ψ₂ : AddChar G R) :
lemma dL2Inner_eq [Fintype G] (ψ₁ ψ₂ : AddChar G R) :
⟪(ψ₁ : G → R), ψ₂⟫_[R] = if ψ₁ = ψ₂ then ↑(card G) else 0 := by
split_ifs with h
· rw [h, AddChar.l2Inner_self]
· rw [h, AddChar.dL2Inner_self]
have : ψ₁⁻¹ * ψ₂ ≠ 1 := by rwa [Ne, inv_mul_eq_one]
simp_rw [l2Inner_eq_sum, ← inv_apply_eq_conj]
simp_rw [dL2Inner_eq_sum, ← inv_apply_eq_conj]
simpa [map_neg_eq_inv] using sum_eq_zero_iff_ne_zero.2 this

lemma l2Inner_eq_zero_iff_ne [Fintype G] : ⟪(ψ₁ : G → R), ψ₂⟫_[R] = 0 ↔ ψ₁ ≠ ψ₂ := by
rw [l2Inner_eq, Ne.ite_eq_right_iff (Nat.cast_ne_zero.2 Fintype.card_ne_zero)]
lemma dL2Inner_eq_zero_iff_ne [Fintype G] : ⟪(ψ₁ : G → R), ψ₂⟫_[R] = 0 ↔ ψ₁ ≠ ψ₂ := by
rw [dL2Inner_eq, Ne.ite_eq_right_iff (Nat.cast_ne_zero.2 Fintype.card_ne_zero)]

lemma l2Inner_eq_card_iff_eq [Fintype G] : ⟪(ψ₁ : G → R), ψ₂⟫_[R] = card G ↔ ψ₁ = ψ₂ := by
rw [l2Inner_eq, Ne.ite_eq_left_iff (Nat.cast_ne_zero.2 Fintype.card_ne_zero)]
lemma dL2Inner_eq_card_iff_eq [Fintype G] : ⟪(ψ₁ : G → R), ψ₂⟫_[R] = card G ↔ ψ₁ = ψ₂ := by
rw [dL2Inner_eq, Ne.ite_eq_left_iff (Nat.cast_ne_zero.2 Fintype.card_ne_zero)]

variable (G R)

protected lemma linearIndependent [Finite G] : LinearIndependent R ((⇑) : AddChar G R → G → R) := by
cases nonempty_fintype G
exact linearIndependent_of_ne_zero_of_l2Inner_eq_zero AddChar.coe_ne_zero fun ψ₁ ψ₂ ↦
exact linearIndependent_of_ne_zero_of_dL2Inner_eq_zero AddChar.coe_ne_zero fun ψ₁ ψ₂ ↦

noncomputable instance instFintype [Finite G] : Fintype (AddChar G R) :=
@Fintype.ofFinite _ (AddChar.linearIndependent G R).finite
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions LeanAPAP/Prereqs/Chang.lean
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Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ lemma general_hoelder (hη : 0 ≤ η) (ν : G → ℝ≥0) (hfν : ∀ x, f x
· rw [← nsmul_eq_mul']
exact card_nsmul_le_sum _ _ _ fun x hx ↦ mem_largeSpec.1 $ hΔ hx
· simp_rw [mul_sum, mul_comm (f _), mul_assoc (c _), @sum_comm _ _ G, ← mul_sum, ← l2Inner_eq_sum,
· simp_rw [mul_sum, mul_comm (f _), mul_assoc (c _), @sum_comm _ _ G, ← mul_sum, ← dL2Inner_eq_sum,
← dft_apply, ← hc, ← RCLike.ofReal_sum, RCLike.norm_ofReal]
exact le_abs_self _
· norm_cast
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ lemma general_hoelder (hη : 0 ≤ η) (ν : G → ℝ≥0) (hfν : ∀ x, f x
(norm_sum_le _ _).trans $ sum_le_sum fun _ _ ↦ norm_sum_le _ _
_ = _ := by simp [energy, norm_c, -Complex.norm_eq_abs, norm_prod]
· push_cast
simp_rw [← RCLike.conj_mul, dft_apply, l2Inner_eq_sum, map_sum, map_mul, RCLike.conj_conj,
simp_rw [← RCLike.conj_mul, dft_apply, dL2Inner_eq_sum, map_sum, map_mul, RCLike.conj_conj,
mul_pow, sum_pow', sum_mul, mul_sum, @sum_comm _ _ G, ← AddChar.inv_apply_eq_conj, ←
AddChar.neg_apply', prod_mul_prod_comm, ← AddChar.add_apply, ← AddChar.sum_apply,
mul_left_comm (Algebra.cast (ν _ : ℝ) : ℂ), ← mul_sum, ← sub_eq_add_neg, sum_sub_distrib,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ lemma AddDissociated.boringEnergy_le [DecidableEq G] {s : Finset G}
rwa [cft_dft, support_comp_eq_preimage, support_indicate, Set.preimage_comp,
Set.neg_preimage, addDissociated_neg, AddEquiv.addDissociated_preimage]
_ = _ := by
simp_rw [mul_pow, pow_mul, ndL2Norm_dft_indicate]
simp_rw [mul_pow, pow_mul, cL2Norm_dft_indicate]
rw [← exp_nsmul, sq_sqrt, sq_sqrt]
simp_rw [← mul_pow]
simp [changConst]
Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions LeanAPAP/Prereqs/Convolution/Norm.lean
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Real.StarOrdered
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.Convolution.Order
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LpNorm.Compact
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LpNorm.Compact.Defs

# Norm of a convolution
Expand All @@ -26,32 +26,32 @@ variable [RCLike β]
· simp [nnLpNorm_exponent_zero]
· simp [dLpNorm_eq_sum hp, apply_ite, hp]

lemma conv_eq_l2Inner (f g : α → β) (a : α) : (f ∗ g) a = ⟪conj f, τ a fun x ↦ g (-x)⟫_[β] := by
simp [l2Inner_eq_sum, conv_eq_sum_sub', map_sum]
lemma conv_eq_dL2Inner (f g : α → β) (a : α) : (f ∗ g) a = ⟪conj f, τ a fun x ↦ g (-x)⟫_[β] := by
simp [dL2Inner_eq_sum, conv_eq_sum_sub', map_sum]

lemma dconv_eq_l2Inner (f g : α → β) (a : α) : (f ○ g) a = conj ⟪f, τ a g⟫_[β] := by
simp [l2Inner_eq_sum, dconv_eq_sum_sub', map_sum]
lemma dconv_eq_dL2Inner (f g : α → β) (a : α) : (f ○ g) a = conj ⟪f, τ a g⟫_[β] := by
simp [dL2Inner_eq_sum, dconv_eq_sum_sub', map_sum]

lemma l2Inner_dconv (f g h : α → β) : ⟪f, g ○ h⟫_[β] = ⟪conj g, conj f ∗ conj h⟫_[β] := by
lemma dL2Inner_dconv (f g h : α → β) : ⟪f, g ○ h⟫_[β] = ⟪conj g, conj f ∗ conj h⟫_[β] := by
_ = ∑ b, ∑ a, g a * conj (h b) * conj (f (a - b)) := by
simp_rw [l2Inner, mul_comm _ ((_ ○ _) _), sum_dconv_mul]; exact sum_comm
simp_rw [dL2Inner, mul_comm _ ((_ ○ _) _), sum_dconv_mul]; exact sum_comm
_ = ∑ b, ∑ a, conj (f a) * conj (h b) * g (a + b) := by
simp_rw [← Fintype.sum_prod_type']
exact Fintype.sum_equiv ((Equiv.refl _).prodShear Equiv.subRight) _ _
(by simp [mul_rotate, mul_right_comm])
_ = _ := by
simp_rw [l2Inner, mul_comm _ ((_ ∗ _) _), sum_conv_mul, Pi.conj_apply, RCLike.conj_conj]
simp_rw [dL2Inner, mul_comm _ ((_ ∗ _) _), sum_conv_mul, Pi.conj_apply, RCLike.conj_conj]
exact sum_comm

lemma l2Inner_conv (f g h : α → β) : ⟪f, g ∗ h⟫_[β] = ⟪conj g, conj f ○ conj h⟫_[β] := by
simp_rw [l2Inner_dconv, RCLike.conj_conj]
lemma dL2Inner_conv (f g h : α → β) : ⟪f, g ∗ h⟫_[β] = ⟪conj g, conj f ○ conj h⟫_[β] := by
simp_rw [dL2Inner_dconv, RCLike.conj_conj]

lemma dconv_l2Inner (f g h : α → β) : ⟪f ○ g, h⟫_[β] = ⟪conj h ∗ conj g, conj f⟫_[β] := by
rw [l2Inner_anticomm, l2Inner_anticomm (_ ∗ _), conj_dconv, l2Inner_dconv]; simp
lemma dconv_dL2Inner (f g h : α → β) : ⟪f ○ g, h⟫_[β] = ⟪conj h ∗ conj g, conj f⟫_[β] := by
rw [dL2Inner_anticomm, dL2Inner_anticomm (_ ∗ _), conj_dconv, dL2Inner_dconv]; simp

lemma conv_l2Inner (f g h : α → β) : ⟪f ∗ g, h⟫_[β] = ⟪conj h ○ conj g, conj f⟫_[β] := by
rw [l2Inner_anticomm, l2Inner_anticomm (_ ○ _), conj_conv, l2Inner_conv]; simp
lemma conv_dL2Inner (f g h : α → β) : ⟪f ∗ g, h⟫_[β] = ⟪conj h ○ conj g, conj f⟫_[β] := by
rw [dL2Inner_anticomm, dL2Inner_anticomm (_ ○ _), conj_conv, dL2Inner_conv]; simp

-- TODO: This proof would feel much less painful if we had `ℝ≥0`-valued Lp-norms.
/-- A special case of **Young's convolution inequality**. -/
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions LeanAPAP/Prereqs/Convolution/ThreeAP.lean
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Expand Up @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ open scoped Pointwise

variable {G : Type*} [AddCommGroup G] [DecidableEq G] [Fintype G] {s : Finset G}

lemma ThreeAPFree.l2Inner_mu_conv_mu_mu_two_smul_mu (hG : Odd (card G))
lemma ThreeAPFree.dL2Inner_mu_conv_mu_mu_two_smul_mu (hG : Odd (card G))
(hs : ThreeAPFree (s : Set G)) :
⟪μ s ∗ μ s, μ (s.image (2 • ·))⟫_[ℝ] = (s.card ^ 2 : ℝ)⁻¹ := by
obtain rfl | hs' := s.eq_empty_or_nonempty
· simp
simp only [l2Inner_eq_sum, sum_conv_mul, ← sum_product', RCLike.conj_to_real]
simp only [dL2Inner_eq_sum, sum_conv_mul, ← sum_product', RCLike.conj_to_real]
rw [← diag_union_offDiag univ, sum_union (disjoint_diag_offDiag _), sum_diag, ←
sum_add_sum_compl s, @sum_eq_card_nsmul _ _ _ _ _ (s.card ^ 3 : ℝ)⁻¹, nsmul_eq_mul,
Finset.sum_eq_zero, Finset.sum_eq_zero, add_zero, add_zero, pow_succ', mul_inv,
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions LeanAPAP/Prereqs/Energy.lean
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Expand Up @@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ lemma cLpNorm_dft_indicate_pow (n : ℕ) (s : Finset G) :
refine Complex.ofReal_injective ?_
_ = ⟪dft (𝟭 s ∗^ n), dft (𝟭 s ∗^ n)⟫ₙ_[ℂ] := ?_
_ = ⟪𝟭 s ∗^ n, 𝟭 s ∗^ n⟫_[ℂ] := nl2Inner_dft _ _
_ = ⟪𝟭 s ∗^ n, 𝟭 s ∗^ n⟫_[ℂ] := ndL2Inner_dft _ _
_ = _ := ?_
· rw [cLpNorm_pow_eq_expect]
simp_rw [pow_mul', ← norm_pow _ n, Complex.ofReal_expect, Complex.ofReal_pow,
← Complex.conj_mul', nl2Inner_eq_expect, dft_iterConv_apply]
← Complex.conj_mul', ndL2Inner_eq_expect, dft_iterConv_apply]
· simp only [l2Inner_eq_sum, boringEnergy_eq, Complex.ofReal_mul, Complex.ofReal_natCast,
· simp only [dL2Inner_eq_sum, boringEnergy_eq, Complex.ofReal_mul, Complex.ofReal_natCast,
Complex.ofReal_sum, Complex.ofReal_pow, mul_eq_mul_left_iff, Nat.cast_eq_zero,
Fintype.card_ne_zero, or_false, sq, (((indicate_isSelfAdjoint _).iterConv _).apply _).conj_eq,
Complex.coe_iterConv, Complex.ofReal_comp_indicate]

lemma ndL2Norm_dft_indicate (s : Finset G) : ‖dft (𝟭 s)‖ₙ_[2] = sqrt s.card := by
lemma cL2Norm_dft_indicate (s : Finset G) : ‖dft (𝟭 s)‖ₙ_[2] = sqrt s.card := by
rw [eq_comm, sqrt_eq_iff_sq_eq]
simpa using cLpNorm_dft_indicate_pow 1 s
all_goals positivity

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