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Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund for arbitrary random variables
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YaelDillies committed Dec 30, 2024
1 parent 96de77c commit 95f4e12
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Showing 4 changed files with 208 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions LeanAPAP.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import LeanAPAP.Extras.BSG
import LeanAPAP.FiniteField
import LeanAPAP.Integer
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Function.LpSpace
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.Bochner
import LeanAPAP.Physics.AlmostPeriodicity
import LeanAPAP.Physics.DRC
import LeanAPAP.Physics.Unbalancing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,4 +34,5 @@ import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LpNorm.Discrete.Defs
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.LpNorm.Weighted
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.MarcinkiewiczZygmund
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.NNLpNorm
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.NewMarcinkiewiczZygmund
import LeanAPAP.Prereqs.Rudin
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions LeanAPAP/Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Function/LpSpace.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Function.LpSpace

namespace MeasureTheory.Memℒp
variable {α E : Type*} {m0 : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α} [IsFiniteMeasure μ]
[NormedAddCommGroup E] {p q : ENNReal} {f : α → E}

lemma mono_exponent (hpq : p ≤ q) (hfq : Memℒp f q μ) : Memℒp f p μ :=
hfq.memℒp_of_exponent_le_of_measure_support_ne_top (by simp) (measure_ne_top _ .univ) hpq
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions LeanAPAP/Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Integral/Bochner.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.Bochner

namespace MeasureTheory
variable {α : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α} {f : α → ℝ}

lemma abs_integral_le_integral_abs : |∫ a, f a ∂μ| ≤ ∫ a, |f a| ∂μ :=
norm_integral_le_integral_norm f

end MeasureTheory
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions LeanAPAP/Prereqs/NewMarcinkiewiczZygmund.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Yaël Dillies, Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described ∈ the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies, Bhavik Mehta
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Choose.Multinomial
import Mathlib.Probability.IdentDistrib
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.Bochner

# The Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality
This file proves the Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality.
The Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality states that, if `X₁, ... Xₐ ∈ L^p` are independent random
variables of mean zero valued in some inner product space, then the `L^p`-norm of `X₁ + ... + Xₐ` is
at most `Cₚ` times the `L^(p/2)`-norm of `|X₁|² + ... + |Xₐ|²`, where `Cₚ` is a constant depending on
`p` alone.
## Notation
Throughout this file, `A ^^ n` denotes `A × ... × A` (with `n` factors). Formally, this is
`Fintype.piFinset fun _ : Fin n ↦ A`.
We currently only prove the inequality for `p = 2 * m` an even natural number. The general `p` case
can be obtained from this specific one by nesting of Lp norms.

open Finset Fintype Function Nat MeasureTheory ProbabilityTheory Real
open scoped NNReal

variable {ι Ω E : Type*} {A : Finset ι} {m n : ℕ} [MeasurableSpace Ω] {μ : Measure Ω}
[IsFiniteMeasure μ] [mE : MeasurableSpace E] [NormedAddCommGroup E] [InnerProductSpace ℝ E]
{X : ι → Ω → E}

local notation:70 A:70 " ^^ " n:71 => Fintype.piFinset fun _ : Fin n ↦ A

/-- The constant appearing in the Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality for symmetric random variables.
noncomputable def marcinkiewiczZygmundSymmConst (p : ℝ≥0) : ℝ := (p / 2) ^ (p / 2 : ℝ)

/-- The **Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality** for symmetric random variables, with a slightly better
constant than `marcinkiewicz_zygmund`. -/
theorem marcinkiewicz_zygmund_symmetric
(iIndepFun_X : iIndepFun (fun _ ↦ mE) X μ)
(identDistrib_neg_X : ∀ i, IdentDistrib (X i) (-X i) μ μ)
(memℒp_X : ∀ i ∈ A, Memℒp (X i) (2 * m) μ) :
∫ ω, ‖∑ i ∈ A, X i ω‖ ^ (2 * m) ∂μ ≤
marcinkiewiczZygmundSymmConst (2 * m) * ∫ ω, (∑ i ∈ A, ‖X i ω‖ ^ 2) ^ m ∂μ := by
have : DecidableEq ι := Classical.decEq _
-- Turn the `L^p` assumption on the `X i` into various integrability conditions.
have integrable_prod_norm_X I (hI : I ∈ A ×ˢ A ^^ m) :
Integrable (fun ω ↦ ∏ k, ‖X (I k).1 ω‖ * ‖X (I k).2 ω‖) μ := sorry
have integrable_prod_inner_X I (hI : I ∈ A ×ˢ A ^^ m) :
Integrable (fun ω ↦ ∏ k, inner (𝕜 := ℝ) (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω)) μ := sorry
-- Call a family of indices `i₁, ..., iₙ, j₁, ..., jₙ` *even* if each `i ∈ A` appears an even
-- number of times among the `2n` indices.
let EvenIndex (I : Fin m → ι × ι) : Prop :=
∀ i ∈ A, Even (#{k | (I k).1 = i} + #{k | (I k).2 = i})
-- Now, let the calculation begin...
∫ ω, ‖∑ i ∈ A, X i ω‖ ^ (2 * m) ∂μ
-- Expand out the power of the sum into a sum over families of indices `i₁, ..., iₙ, j₁, ..., jₙ`
-- of `∏ k, ⟨X iₖ, X jₖ⟩`. Push the integral inside the sum.
_ = ∑ I ∈ A ×ˢ A ^^ m, ∫ ω, ∏ k, inner (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω) ∂μ := by
simp_rw [pow_mul, ← real_inner_self_eq_norm_sq, sum_inner, inner_sum, ← sum_product',
Finset.sum_pow', integral_finset_sum _ integrable_prod_inner_X]
-- Show that the terms coming from odd families of indices `i₁, ..., iₙ, j₁, ..., jₙ` integrate
-- to zero.
_ = ∑ I ∈ A ×ˢ A ^^ m with EvenIndex I, ∫ ω, ∏ k, inner (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω) ∂μ := by
rw [Finset.sum_filter_of_ne]
-- Assume that `I = (i₁, ..., iₙ, j₁, ..., jₙ)` is an odd family.
-- Say `i` appears an odd number of times in it.
rintro I hI hI' i hi
contrapose! hI'
replace hI' : Odd (#{k | (I k).1 = i} + #{k | (I k).2 = i}) := by simpa using hI'
-- Let `Y` be the family of random variables `X` where `X i` has been replaced by `-X i`.
let Y : ι → Ω → E := update X i (-X i)
-- By the assumption that `X i` is symmetric, we get that `X j` and `Y j` are identically
-- distributed for all `j`.
have identDistrib_X_Y j : IdentDistrib (X j) (Y j) μ μ := by
obtain rfl | hji := eq_or_ne j i
· simpa [Y] using identDistrib_neg_X _
· simpa [Y, hji] using .refl (identDistrib_neg_X _).aemeasurable_fst
-- To show that `𝔼 ∏ k, ⟨X iₖ, X jₖ⟩ = 0`, we will show
-- `𝔼 ∏ k, ⟨X iₖ, X jₖ⟩ = 𝔼 ∏ k, ⟨Y iₖ, Y jₖ⟩ = -𝔼 ∏ k, ⟨X iₖ, X jₖ⟩`.
rw [← neg_eq_self ℝ, ← integral_neg, eq_comm]
-- `𝔼 ∏ k, ⟨X iₖ, X jₖ⟩ = 𝔼 ∏ k, ⟨Y iₖ, Y jₖ⟩` because `𝔼 ∏ k, ⟨X iₖ, X jₖ⟩` and
-- `∏ k, ⟨Y iₖ, Y jₖ⟩` are identically distributed.
∫ ω, ∏ k, inner (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω) ∂μ
_ = ∫ ω, ∏ k, inner (Y (I k).1 ω) (Y (I k).2 ω) ∂μ := by
refine IdentDistrib.integral_eq ?_
sorry -- TODO: Upstream result from PFR
-- `𝔼 ∏ k, ⟨Y iₖ, Y jₖ⟩ = -𝔼 ∏ k, ⟨X iₖ, X jₖ⟩` by the assumption that `i` appears an odd
-- number of times in `I`.
_ = ∫ ω, -∏ k, inner (𝕜 := ℝ) (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω) ∂μ := by
congr with ω
∏ k, inner (𝕜 := ℝ) (Y (I k).1 ω) (Y (I k).2 ω)
_ = ∏ k, (if (I k).1 = i then -1 else 1) * (if (I k).2 = i then -1 else 1) *
inner (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω) := by
congr! with k; split_ifs with hk₁ hk₂ hk₂ <;> simp [hk₁, hk₂, Y]
_ = -∏ k, inner (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω) := by
rw [prod_mul_distrib, prod_mul_distrib]
simp [prod_ite, ← pow_add, hI']
-- Upper bound the sum by its absolute value and push the absolute value inside.
_ ≤ |∑ I ∈ A ×ˢ A ^^ m with EvenIndex I, ∫ ω, ∏ k, inner (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω) ∂μ| :=
le_abs_self _
_ ≤ ∑ I ∈ A ×ˢ A ^^ m with EvenIndex I, |∫ ω, ∏ k, inner (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω) ∂μ| :=
abs_sum_le_sum_abs ..
_ ≤ ∑ I ∈ A ×ˢ A ^^ m with EvenIndex I, ∫ ω, |∏ k, inner (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω)| ∂μ := by
gcongr with I; exact abs_integral_le_integral_abs
_ = ∑ I ∈ A ×ˢ A ^^ m with EvenIndex I, ∫ ω, ∏ k, |inner (X (I k).1 ω) (X (I k).2 ω)| ∂μ := by
simp_rw [abs_prod]
-- Finish pushing the absolute value inside using Cauchy-Schwarz.
_ ≤ ∑ I ∈ A ×ˢ A ^^ m with EvenIndex I, ∫ ω, ∏ k, ‖X (I k).1 ω‖ * ‖X (I k).2 ω‖ ∂μ := by
gcongr with I hI
· simpa [abs_prod] using (integrable_prod_inner_X I <| filter_subset _ _ hI).abs
· exact integrable_prod_norm_X I <| filter_subset _ _ hI
rintro ω
gcongr with k
exact abs_real_inner_le_norm ..
-- Rewrite the sum of `𝔼 ∏ k, ‖X iₖ ω‖ * ‖X jₖ ω‖` over even families of indices
-- `i₁, ..., iₙ, j₁, ..., jₙ` into the sum over `w₁ + ... + wₐ = m` of
-- `(2m choose 2w₁, ..., 2wₐ) * 𝔼 ∏ i, ‖X i‖ ^ wᵢ`.
_ = ∑ I ∈ A ×ˢ A ^^ m with EvenIndex I,
∫ ω, ∏ i ∈ A, ‖X i ω‖ ^ (#{k | (I k).1 = i} + #{k | (I k).2 = i}) ∂μ := by
congr! with I hI ω
simp only [mem_filter, mem_piFinset, mem_product, forall_and] at hI
simp_rw [pow_add, prod_mul_distrib, ← prod_const]
rw [prod_fiberwise_of_maps_to', prod_fiberwise_of_maps_to']
· simpa using hI.1.2
· simpa using hI.1.1
_ = ∑ w ∈ piAntidiag A (2 * m) with ∀ i ∈ A, 2 ∣ w i,
multinomial A w * ∫ ω, ∏ i ∈ A, ‖X i ω‖ ^ w i ∂μ := by
_ = ∑ w ∈ (piAntidiag A m).map
⟨(2 • ·), fun _ _ h ↦ funext fun i ↦ mul_right_injective₀ two_ne_zero (congr_fun h i)⟩,
multinomial A w * ∫ ω, ∏ i ∈ A, ‖X i ω‖ ^ w i ∂μ := by
rw [map_nsmul_piAntidiag _ _ two_ne_zero]
_ = ∑ w ∈ piAntidiag A m, multinomial A (2 • w) * ∫ ω, ∏ i ∈ A, ‖X i ω‖ ^ (2 * w i) ∂μ := by
-- Use the fact that `(2m choose 2w₁, ..., 2wₐ) ≤ m ^ m * (m choose w₁, ..., wₐ)`.
_ ≤ ∑ w ∈ piAntidiag A m, marcinkiewiczZygmundSymmConst (2 * m) * multinomial A w *
∫ ω, ∏ i ∈ A, ‖X i ω‖ ^ (2 * w i) ∂μ := by
gcongr with w hw
(multinomial A (2 • w) : ℝ)
_ ≤ ((∑ i ∈ A, w i) ^ ∑ i ∈ A, w i) * multinomial A w :=
mod_cast multinomial_two_mul_le_mul_multinomial
_ = marcinkiewiczZygmundSymmConst (2 * m) * multinomial A w := by
simp [(mem_piAntidiag.1 hw).1, marcinkiewiczZygmundSymmConst]
-- Put the sum back together.
_ = marcinkiewiczZygmundSymmConst (2 * m) * ∫ ω, (∑ i ∈ A, ‖X i ω‖ ^ 2) ^ m ∂μ := by
simp_rw [sum_pow_eq_sum_piAntidiag, ← pow_mul, ← integral_mul_left, mul_sum, ← mul_assoc]
rw [integral_finset_sum]
rintro w hw
exact .const_mul sorry _

/-- The constant appearing in the Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality for random variables with zero
mean. -/
noncomputable def marcinkiewiczZygmundConst (p : ℝ≥0) : ℝ :=
2 ^ (p / 2 : ℝ) * marcinkiewiczZygmundSymmConst p

/-- The **Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality** for random variables with zero mean.
For symmetric random variables, `marcinkiewicz_zygmund` provides a slightly better constant. -/
theorem marcinkiewicz_zygmund
(iIndepFun_X : iIndepFun (fun _ ↦ ‹_›) X μ)
(integral_X : ∀ i, ∫ ω, X i ω ∂μ = 0)
(memℒp_X : ∀ i ∈ A, Memℒp (X i) (2 * m) μ) :
∫ ω, ‖∑ i ∈ A, X i ω‖ ^ (2 * m) ∂μ ≤
marcinkiewiczZygmundConst (2 * m) * ∫ ω, (∑ i ∈ A, ‖X i ω‖ ^ 2) ^ m ∂μ := by
let X₁ i : Ω × Ω → E := X i ∘ Prod.fst
let X₂ i : Ω × Ω → E := X i ∘ Prod.snd
let X' i : Ω × Ω → E := X₁ i - X₂ i
have : DecidableEq ι := Classical.decEq _
∫ ω, ‖∑ i ∈ A, X i ω‖ ^ (2 * m) ∂μ
_ ≤ ∫ ω, ‖∑ i ∈ A, X' i ω‖ ^ (2 * m) ∂μ.prod μ := by
_ ≤ marcinkiewiczZygmundSymmConst (2 * m) * ∫ ω, (∑ i ∈ A, ‖X' i ω‖ ^ 2) ^ m ∂μ.prod μ :=
marcinkiewicz_zygmund_symmetric sorry (fun i ↦ sorry) sorry
_ ≤ marcinkiewiczZygmundConst (2 * m) * ∫ ω, (∑ i ∈ A, ‖X i ω‖ ^ 2) ^ m ∂μ := sorry

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