Hey I bet you were looking for simple project ideas to get you a bit more comfortable with front-end technologies, well here you go , Enjoy!
There are two methods for getting started with this repo.
follow instructions:
> git clone https://github.com/YahiaElTai/ProjectsIdeasForBeginners.git
> cd ProjectsIdeasForBeginners
Click the green clone or download button and download the .zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, then open your terminal, change to the project directory.
Acme Web Design http://yellow-wish.surge.sh/
Budgety http://simple-honey.surge.sh/
Calculator http://tenuous-head.surge.sh/
Pig Game http://ruthless-angle.surge.sh/
Fudi (Flexbox and SASS) http://gusty-bushes.surge.sh/
i would recommend for you to just look at the finished websites and try to replicate each one of them without looking at the code, give it your best shot, if you find any problems then take a quick glance at the code to see where it got kind of confusing.
Feel free to customize, add new stuff to these projects and basically do anything you want with them.