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How To Use Git & GitHub --- for beginner

Some basic manual

Do some config to make git more easier to use!

choose some alias to make things more easier.

This can be realized by the command (NOTE: the double quota character "" is not needed): git config --global alias."new name" 'old name'

There is some comon alias:
git config --global checkout
git config --global commit git config --global status
git config --global branch
git config --global alias.psm 'push origin master'
git config --global alias.plm 'pull origin master'
git config --global alias.log "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative" #check log file

change editor

use git config -l to check all setting

git config --global core.editor "vim" # set editor with vim
git config --global core.quotepath false # set to show Chinese file name
git config --global color.ui true # set color for git

git config --global "[your name]" # set your name
git config --global "[your email]" # set your email

git command

git status # check the status of the git repository
git init # init a folder to a git repository
git add # add files to a submit list
git commit # submit files

git branch # check all branch git branch -r # check branch on the server
git branch [branchname] # create a new branch
git branch -d # delete a branch if this branch is already merge to the master branch
git branch -D # delete a branch whatever

git checkout [branchname] # change to the branch
git checkout [tagname] #create and change to that branch
git checkout [commitname] #change to that comit
git checkout -b [branchname] #change to that tag

git checkout master # change to master branch and then do
git merge/rebase [branchname] # merge the branch to master branch

get tag [tagname] # add tag for package version
get tag # check tags status

git diff [commit1] [commit2] # compare the differences between commit
git diff [branch1] [branch2] # compare the differences between branch
git diff --staged # compare the differences between now and repository

git stash # save all things into tmp region
git stash list # check tmp region
git stash apply/pot # get files in tmp region back
git stash drop # clear the newest record in region back
git stash clear # clear all records in region back

basic concept for github

first application

generate SSH key ---------- ssh-keygen -t rsa
add SSH key on the github ---------- setting -> SSH and GPG keys -> New SSH key -> fill the ~/.ssh/ file text in the dialog window

upload and download

git push origin master # upload master code to server
git push origin [branchname ]# upload branch code to server
git push origin :[branchname]# delete branch in the server

git checkout [branchname] origin/[branchname] # download branch in the server to local
git pull origin master # download code to local
git remote -v # check how many repository we have for this code


How To Use Git & GitHub --- for beginner







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