A Flutter plugin for Apple's Binary Plist and the NSKeyedArchiver/NSKeyedUnarchiver format. Inspired by the bpylist2 package.
These types are supported to archive and unarchive back:
- int
- double
- bool
- String
- List
- Map
- Set
Run this command
flutter pub add ns_keyed_archived
This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml
ns_keyed_archiver: ^0.0.2
import 'package:ns_keyed_archived/ns_keyed_archived.dart';
void main() {
final data = {
'key': 'value',
'key2': 123,
'key3': [1, 2, 3],
'key4': {'key': 'value'}
// archive the data to a byte array
final bytes = NSKeyedArchiver.archive(data);
// unarchive the byte array back to the original data
// You can use NSKeyedArchiver.unarchive(file.readAsBytesSync()) to unarchive from a file
final decoded = NSKeyedArchiver.unarchive(bytes);
assert(data == decoded);
issues: https://github.com/YanhqZ/ns_keyed_archived/issues
Please feel free to open an issue if you have any questions or suggestions.