Mods Removed:
-Fast Workbench: Integrated into TBone Lib
Mods Added:
-Logistics Pipes
-Storage Drawers Unlimited
-Popcorn Smelting
Changes and Fixes:
-Fixed UniDict being disabled
-Changed how gear crafting recipes are disabled so gears from other mods aren't disabled by mistake
-Crafting TNT now gives 5 instead of 1
-Added a recipe to Nuclearcraft's wastland earth to make it renewable
-Popcorn smelting has a 25% chance to destroy the item you're smelting
-Railcraft chunk loaders no longer require fuel
-Increased the amount of power HV cables can carry
Mods updated:
-AE2 Wireless Terminal Library
-Botania Tweaks
-CD4017BE Library
-CoFH Core
-CoFH World
-Vanilla+ Satchels
-Common Capabilities
-Creative Core
-Effortless Building
-Factory Tech
-Fast Workbench
-Flat Colored Blocks
-FTB Lib
-FTB Utilities
-FTB Utilities: Backups
-In Control
-Industrial Renewal
-Integrated Dynamics
-Just Enough Items
-Just Enough Resources
-Lag Goggles
-Librarian Lib
-Little Tiles
-Metal Chests
-Model Loader
-Modular Powersuits
-Online Picture Frame
-Open Modular Turrets
-p4445w0rd's Library
-Pneumaticraft: Repressurized
-Prodigy Tech
-Project Red
-Random PSIdeas
-Random Things
-Random Patches
-Random Tweaks
-Realistic Ore Veins
-Simple Storage Network
-Some Like It Dry
-Steve's Carts
-Thaumic Additions
-Thaumic Bases
-Thaumic Wonders
-Thermal Dynamics
-Thermal Foundation+
-Thermal Innovation
-Tinkers Construct
-Unlimited Chisel Works
-Wirelesss Crafting Terminal
-Worley's Caves
-Worse Solars