This is backend API for conference management system. Technology that we are using to implement this application is Node JS, Express, MongoDB and Firebase.
- Fork the project into your local GitHub profile.:fork_and_knife:
- Clone that project into your computer.:rocket:
- Assign a issue from the issue tab. - All the issues are the features of the API.
- Create new brach and called it with the respected feature.:seedling:
For example: Issue - Create customer account Then you should name your brach like this.
Brach name always should be simple letters.
- Do your modifications to the code.👨💻
- Commit changes to your local repository.💬
- Create a pull request to upstream repository.:hand:
Before create the pull request, please chack if there are merge conflicts in your code. If there are not conflicts, then create the Pull Request(PR)
- Then you have to assign one or more team members to review your code.:eyes:
After reviewing process are done and your code is ready to merge, one of our organization member will merge your changes to the master branch.
This docker container holds the backend API application for the REACH conference system.
- Install Docker into your local computer.
- Pull the docker image using docker pull rusiruavb/conference-api-docker:latest
- Run docker run -p 9002:9090 rusiruavb/conference-api-docker:latest command to create the docker container and run.
- Then the application will be exposed on port 9002.
- Navigate to your browser and copy/paste this link http://localhost:9002/