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This repo hosts the code for Cage-free hub. The core tech used is React/JS + Firebase(Google Cloud Platform). UI uses Material-ui Core tech used:

  • Javascript & React
  • Firebase for backend
  • Material UI for ui components

Handoff doc + Production Readiness + OpsRunbook

Getting Started:

  1. clone this repo

  2. Setup .env if you wish to use preprod database for local development. Copy this into .env in root: REACT_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY="AIzaSyAUTMx89j6lV6-R5EGn0yRWtAL5tu2SjLs" REACT_APP_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN="" REACT_APP_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID="freerangeeggfarm-26736" REACT_APP_FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET="" REACT_APP_FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID="471292011029" REACT_APP_FIREBASE_APP_ID="1:471292011029:web:b24d4e5a4f993aa860641c" REACT_APP_STAGE="dev" REACT_APP_APP_CHECK_DEBUG_TOKEN="{ask a developer for one}"

  3. run npm install

  4. npm start

Firebase Infastucture:

  1. Check which project is active: firebase use

  2. firebase use prod

  3. Set firebase functions secrets(one time only - create keys for AWS Simple Email Service): firebase functions:config:set aws.ses_access_key="[THE_API_KEY]" && firebase functions:config:set aws.ses_secret_key="[THE_API_SECRET_KEY]" && firebase functions:config:set env.stage="[STAGE] (verify with firebase functions:config:get)

  4. firebase deploy --only functions (Fix linting with: npm run lint -- --fix)

  5. firebase deploy --only firestore:rules

  6. firebase deploy --only firestore:indexes

  7. firebase deploy --only storage

Other Useful intformation

Stages: dev, preprod, prod

"freerangeeggfarm-26736" is preprod alias

preprod url:

"chickens-are-my-friends" is prod alias

prod url:


Contact the developer: Daryl D'Souza Contact the Organization: GlobalFoodPartners