API: ManhwaClan-Scrapper API.
- Create a homepage with sections like "Popular Releases", "Latest Releases.", and, etc.
- Add a comments feature.
- Will scraped from ManhwaClan Comment :).
- Improve the website design.
- I do like how it's kinda simple & basic, but needs to be improve.
- Improve the thumbnail quality to HD in details tab.
- Thumbnail in the detail tab has a bad quality thumbnail
- Include additional details, like descriptions in the details tab.
- Add navigation arrows for scrolling.
- Like Arrow going to the top of the page or bottom.
- Implement Machine Translation (MTL), inspired by SnowMTL.
- Add raw chapter support.
- if I can.
- Integrate free anime streaming using the Consumet API or through scraping
- To watch and read anime or manhwa.
- Also this is suppose to be a manhwa/manhua/manga website, to read only for free, but I just want to add it for fun :).
- To watch and read anime or manhwa.
- Add & Improve the scraping capabilities to include more manga content.
- Since the API I created mostly scraps manhwa, and manhua and a few for manga content.
Will add more future plans later.