Incrementally siege a website
Mandatory options:
-s --steps Number of concurrent users to be simulated at each step. Ex: "50,100,500,1000"
-u --url URL to siege
Optionnal options:
-t --time Time of each step. Ex: "2M", "1H". Tied to siege's time. Default: "5M"
-d --delay delay between each simulated user request. Tied to siege's delay. Default: "0.5"
-V --siege-verbose Enable siege's verbose mode. Default: not verbose
--ulimit Force ulimit's open file value (ulimit -n value). Default: ulimit's default (1024)
Run with 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 users, during 2 minutes each time (12 minutes in total)
./progressive-siege -u --time 2M --steps 10,20,30,40,50,100
Run with 50, 100, 150 and 200 users, during 5 minutes each time (20 minutes in total) with 20 secondes between each users's request. Forcing ulimit open files to 8192:
./progressive-siege -u --time 5M --steps 50,100,150,200 --delay 20 --ulimit 8192
Some options cannot be chnged with siege's cli options. The configuration file may needs to be adjusted.
It may be tricky to run more than 1023 connections, event with a modified limit
value and a bigger ulimit -n
The best solution may be to use tmux, open several panes, synchonise then with :set synchronize-panes
and run the script in parallel.