Welcome to my GitHub profile.
- Developer tools
- Raycast extensions
- CLI tools
- Full-stack web apps
- Next.js, Node.js, Express, React, Ruby on Rails
- Discord & Slack bots
- Discord.js, Bolt.js, Conflict
- Frameworks
Hack Club Bank
- Interning @ Hack Club Bank building financial features empowering teenagers to do good
Hack OC
- Orange County's first in-person high school hackathon since the pandemic
- Conflict is a UI framework for Discord bots that combines JSX and user interactions with Discord.js
- I organized Assemble, an in-person hackathon in San Francisco for 150+ high school students
- GitWrite
- Write a message on your GitHub contribution graph
- Canvascast
- Interact with Canvas from Raycast
- geta.dino.icu
- An API for getting Hack Club dinosaurs (https://geta.dino.icu)
Assemble Ticketing
- Stump.js
- A logging system for Node.js that makes it easier to find information and debug
- JavaScript
- React, Next.js
- Prisma, MongoDB, Postgres
- Discord.js
- Firebase
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails, ERB