◻ Camera preview (Front & Back) ◻ Yoonit Facefy integration ◻ Face detection, capture and image crop ◻ Understanding of the human face ◻ Frame capture ◻ Capture timed images ◻ QR Code scanning |
![]() |
Add the following line to your Podfile
pod 'YoonitCamera'
And run in the root of your project:
pod install
All the functionalities that the ios-yoonit-camera
provides is accessed through the CameraView
, that includes the camera preview. See an example how we use in our Demo.
Below we have the basic usage code, for more details, see the API section.
@IBOutlet var cameraView: CameraView!
Do not forget request camera permission. Start camera preview:
With camera preview, we can start capture detected face and generate images:
Set camera event listener to get the result:
class YourViewController: UIViewController, CameraEventListenerDelegate {
self.cameraView.cameraEventListener = self
func onImageCaptured(
_ type: String,
_ count: Int,
_ total: Int,
_ imagePath: String,
_ darkness: NSNumber?,
_ lightness: NSNumber?,
_ sharpness: NSNumber?
) {
func onFaceDetected(
_ x: Int,
_ y: Int,
_ width: Int,
_ height: Int,
_ leftEyeOpenProbability: NSNumber?,
_ rightEyeOpenProbability: NSNumber?,
_ smilingProbability: NSNumber?,
_ headEulerAngleX: NSNumber?,
_ headEulerAngleY: NSNumber?,
_ headEulerAngleZ: NSNumber?
) {
With camera preview, we can start scanning QR codes:
Set camera event listener to get the result:
class YourViewController: UIViewController, CameraEventListenerDelegate {
self.cameraView.cameraEventListener = self
func onQRCodeScanned(content: String) {
Variable | Type | Default Value | Description |
detectionTopSize | Float | '0.0' | Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the top side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result. |
detectionRightSize | Float | '0.0' | Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the right side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result. |
detectionBottomSize | Float | '0.0' | Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the bottom side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result. |
detectionLeftSize | Float | '0.0' | Represents the percentage. Positive value enlarges and negative value reduce the left side of the detection. Use the setDetectionBox to have a visual result. |
Function | Parameters | Valid values | Return Type | Description |
startPreview | - | - | void | Start camera preview if has permission. |
startCaptureType | captureType: String |
void | Set capture type none, face, QR Code or frame. |
stopCapture | - | - | void | Stop any type of capture. |
destroy | - | - | void | Destroy camera preview. |
toggleCameraLens | - | - | void | Toggle camera lens facing front/back. |
setCameraLens | cameraLens: String |
void | Set camera to use "front" or "back" lens. Default value is "front". |
getCameraLens | - | - | String | Return "front" or "back". |
setNumberOfImages | numberOfImages: Int |
Any positive Int value |
void | Default value is 0. For value 0 is saved infinity images. When saved images reached the "number os images", the onEndCapture is triggered. |
setTimeBetweenImages | timeBetweenImages: Int64 |
Any positive number that represent time in milli seconds | void | Set saving face/frame images time interval in milli seconds. |
setOutputImageWidth | width: Int |
Any positive number value that represents in pixels |
void | Set face image width to be created in pixels. |
setOutputImageHeight | height: Int |
Any positive number value that represents in pixels |
void | Set face image height to be created in pixels. |
setSaveImageCaptured | enable: Bool |
true or false |
void | Set to enable/disable save image when capturing face and frame. |
setDetectionBox | enable: Bool |
true or false |
void | Set to enable/disable detection box when face/qrcode detected. The detection box is the the face/qrcode bounding box normalized to UI. |
setDetectionBoxColor | alpha: Float, red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 |
void | Set detection box ARGB color. Default value is (0.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) . |
setDetectionMinSize | minimumSize: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 . Represents the percentage. |
void | Set face/qrcode minimum size to detect in percentage related with the camera preview. |
setDetectionMaxSize | maximumSize: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 . Represents the percentage. |
void | Set face/qrcode maximum size to detect in percentage related with the camera preview. |
setFaceContours | enable: Bool |
true or false |
void | Set to enable/disable face contours when face detected. |
setFaceContoursColor | alpha: Float, red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 |
void | Set face contours ARGB color. Default value is (0.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) . |
setROI | enable: Bool |
true or false |
void | Enable/disable the region of interest capture. |
setROITopOffset | topOffset: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 . Represents the percentage. |
void | Camera preview top distance in percentage. |
setROIRightOffset | rightOffset: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 . Represents the percentage. |
void | Camera preview right distance in percentage. |
setROIBottomOffset | bottomOffset: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 . Represents the percentage. |
void | Camera preview bottom distance in percentage. |
setROILeftOffset | leftOffset: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 . Represents the percentage. |
void | Camera preview left distance in percentage. |
setROIAreaOffset | enable: Bool |
true or false |
void | Set to enable/disable region of interest offset visibility. |
setROIAreaOffsetColor | alpha: Float, red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 |
void | Set face region of interest area offset color. Default value is (0.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) . |
setTorch | enable: Bool |
true or false |
void | Set to enable/disable the device torch. Available only to camera lens "back" . |
Event | Parameters | Description |
onImageCaptured | type: String, count: Int, total: Int, imagePath: String, darkness: NSNumber?, lightness: NSNumber?, sharpness: NSNumber? |
Must have started capture type of face/frame (see startCaptureType ). Emitted when the image file is created:
onFaceDetected | x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, leftEyeOpenProbability: NSNumber?, rightEyeOpenProbability: NSNumber?, smilingProbability: NSNumber?, headEulerAngleX: NSNumber?, headEulerAngleY: NSNumber?, headEulerAngleZ: NSNumber? |
Must have started capture type of face. Emit the face analysis |
onFaceUndetected | - | Must have started capture type of face. Emitted after onFaceDetected , when there is no more face detecting. |
onEndCapture | - | Must have started capture type of face/frame. Emitted when the number of image files created is equal of the number of images set (see the method setNumberOfImages ). |
onQRCodeScanned | content: String |
Must have started capture type of qrcode (see startCaptureType ). Emitted when the camera scan a QR Code. |
onError | error: String |
Emit message error. |
onMessage | message: String |
Emit message. |
onPermissionDenied | - | Emit when try to startPreview but there is not camera permission. |
The face analysis is the response send by the onFaceDetected
. Here we specify all the parameters.
Attribute | Type | Description |
x | Int |
The x position of the face in the screen. |
y | Int |
The y position of the face in the screen. |
width | Int |
The width position of the face in the screen. |
height | Int |
The height position of the face in the screen. |
leftEyeOpenProbability | NSNumber? |
The left eye open probability. |
rightEyeOpenProbability | NSNumber? |
The right eye open probability. |
smilingProbability | NSNumber? |
The smiling probability. |
headEulerAngleX | NSNumber? |
The angle in degrees that indicate the vertical head direction. See Head Movements |
headEulerAngleY | NSNumber? |
The angle in degrees that indicate the horizontal head direction. See Head Movements |
headEulerAngleZ | NSNumber? |
The angle in degrees that indicate the tilt head direction. See Head Movements |
Here we explaining the above gif and how reached the "results". Each "movement" (vertical, horizontal and tilt) is a state, based in the angle in degrees that indicate head direction;
Head Direction | Attribute | v < -36° | -36° < v < -12° | -12° < v < 12° | 12° < v < 36° | 36° < v |
Vertical | headEulerAngleX |
Super Down | Down | Frontal | Up | Super Up |
Horizontal | headEulerAngleY |
Super Left | Left | Frontal | Right | Super Right |
Tilt | headEulerAngleZ |
Super Right | Right | Frontal | Left | Super Left |
The image quality is the classification of the three attributes: darkness, lightness and sharpness. Result available in the onImageCaptured
event. Let's see each parameter specifications:
Threshold | Classification |
Darkness | |
darkness > 0.7 | Too dark |
darkness <= 0.7 | Acceptable |
Lightness | |
lightness > 0.65 | Too light |
lightness <= 0.65 | Acceptable |
Sharpness | |
sharpness >= 0.1591 | Blurred |
sharpness < 0.1591 | Acceptable |
Pre-define key error used by the onError
KeyError | Description |
INVALID_CAPTURE_TYPE | Tried to start a non-existent capture type. |
INVALID_CAMERA_LENS | Tried to input invalid camera lens. |
INVALID_NUMBER_OF_IMAGES | Tried to input invalid face/frame number of images to capture. |
INVALID_TIME_BETWEEN_IMAGES | Tried to input invalid face time interval to capture face. |
INVALID_OUTPUT_IMAGE_WIDTH | Tried to input invalid image width. |
INVALID_OUTPUT_IMAGE_HEIGHT | Tried to input invalid image height. |
INVALID_DETECTION_BOX_COLOR | Tried to input invalid detection box ARGB value color. |
INVALID_MINIMUM_SIZE | Tried to input invalid minimum size. |
INVALID_MAXIMUM_SIZE | Tried to input invalid maximum size. |
INVALID_ROI_TOP_OFFSET | Tried to input invalid region of interest top offset. |
INVALID_ROI_RIGHT_OFFSET | Tried to input invalid region of interest right offset. |
INVALID_ROI_BOTTOM_OFFSET | Tried to input invalid region of interest bottom offset. |
INVALID_ROI_LEFT_OFFSET | Tried to input invalid region of interest left offset. |
INVALID_ROI_COLOR | Tried to input invalid region of interest area offset ARGB value color. |
INVALID_FACE_CONTOURS_COLOR | Tried to input invalid face contour ARGB value color. |
Pre-define key messages used by the onMessage
Message | Description |
INVALID_MINIMUM_SIZE | Face/QRCode width percentage in relation of the screen width is less than the set (setDetectionMinSize ). |
INVALID_MAXIMUM_SIZE | Face/QRCode width percentage in relation of the screen width is more than the set (setDetectionMaxSize ). |
INVALID_OUT_OF_ROI | Face bounding box is out of the set region of interest (setROI ). |
INVALID_TORCH_LENS_USAGE | Torch not available with camera lens "front" (setTorch ). |
Clone the repo, change what you want and send PR. For commit messages we use Conventional Commits.
Contributions are always welcome!
Code with ❤ by the Yoonit Team