This project assumes you have the following installed on your device:
- docker, docker-compose
At this point the only DB and MessageQueue supported:
- Postgres (DB)
- Rabbitmq (MQ)
Clone the repository:
$ git clone $ cd abra/
$ chmod +x ./scripts/ $ ./scripts/ $ source .env/bin/activate [abra] $
1. Client - send mind samples to the server
python API:
>>> from abra.client import upload_sample
>>> upload_sample(host='', port=8000, path='sample.mind.gzip')
$ python -m abra.client upload-sample \
-h/--host '' \
-p/--port 8000 \
2. Server - receive mind samples (snapshots) and forward to parsers via message queue OR activates a function on the received samples if "publish" is a callable function
python API:
>>> from abra.server import run_server
>>> run_server(host='', port=8000, publish="rabbitmq://")
>>> run_server(host='', port=8000, publish=print)
$ python -m abra.server run-server \
-h/--host '' \
-p/--port 8000 \
3. Parsers - parses snapshot in to usable data such as images, numbers, etc.
Avaliable parsers:
* pose
* color-image
* depth-image
* feelings
python API:
>>> parser = 'pose'
>>> data_path = '../some_path/snapshot.raw'
>>> from abra.parsers import parse
>>> parse(parser=parser, data_path=data_path)
# to parse raw data and save the result:
$ python -m abra.parsers parse 'pose' 'snapshot.raw' > 'pose.result'
# to run a parser consuming from a publisher:
$ python -m abra.parsers run-parser 'pose' 'rabbitmq://'
In order for you to add your own parser, follow the following steps:
1. Go to abra/parsers.
2. Give it a name! add it's name as a string to the list 'PARSER_NAMES' located in "".
3. Create a class in the marked section in "", look for the "CREATE YOUR OWN PARSER" zone.
(If you really want to write it in a new file instead, that's ok.. just make sure to import it in
and put your file in the "parsers" directory)
3. Inherit from BaseParser and override the "parse" method.
The "parse" method must be implemented as follows:
:input: a Snapshot object as defined in abra.proto
:output: a dict object with the parsed fields -
keys to be set according to the "field names" described in "" file
+ a key and value for the parser name
+ a key and value for datetime
If your parser saves data to disk - override the "write" method to be implemented as follows:
:input: path
:output: full path to saved file
4. You're good to go!
4. Saver - saves parsed sata to Database
python API:
>>> db_url = 'postgresql://'
>>> mq_url = 'rabbitmq://'
>>> topic = 'pose'
>>> data_path = '/data/pose.result'
>>> from abra.saver import run_saver
>>> run_saver(db_url=db_url, mq_url=mq_url)
>>> from abra.saver import Saver
>>> saver = Saver(db_url)
>>>, data=data_path)
# to save one result to the database
$ python -m abra.saver save \
-d/--database 'postgresql://' \
'pose' \
# to run the saver to consume from all parsers and saves all results to the DB
$ python -m abra.saver run-saver \
'postgresql://' \
5. API - abra's RestAPI.
python API:
>>> from abra.api import run_server
>>> run_server(host='', port=5000, database='postgresql://')
$ python -m abra.api run-server \
-h/--host '' \
-p/--port 5000 \
-d/--database 'postgresql://'
GET /users
returns a jsonified list of users
GET /users/<user_id>
returns json of user information: * * * user.birthday * user.gender
GET /users/<user_id>/snapshots
returns a jsonified list of snapshots
GET /users/<user_id>/snapshots/<snapshot_id>
returns a json holding the available results, current result types: * pose * color-image * depth-image * feelings
GET /users/<user_id>/snapshots/<user_id>/<result_name>
returns a json holding: * relevant data to be presented to user * result_url to image if result is not "pose"
6. CLI
The following command-line commands are supported:
$ python -m abra.cli get-users
$ python -m abra.cli get-user <user-id>
$ python -m abra.cli get-snapshots <user-id>
$ python -m abra.cli get-snapshot <user-id> <snapshot_id>
$ python -m abra.cli get-result <user-id> <snapshot_id> <result_type>
7. GUI - abra's GUI.
NOTICE: The GUI only works if the API server is up!
python API:
>>> from abra.gui import run_server
>>> run_server(host='', port=8080, api_host='', api_port=5000)
$ python -m abra.gui run-server \
-h/--host '' \
-p/--port 8080 \
-H/--api-host '' \
-P/--api-port 5000
Default host =
Default port = 8080
Go to and enjoy!
Run tests:
[abra] $ pytest tests/
After running abra through docker, use this to reset volumes and data:
[abra] $ ./scripts/