This is Gradient Descent Algorithm Implementation to minimize the cost function for linear regression models
You will implement gradient descent algorithm for one feature. You will need three functions.
import math, copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Function to calculate the cost
def compute_cost(x, y, w, b):
m = x.shape[0]
cost = 0
for i in range(m):
f_wb = w * x[i] + b
cost = cost + (f_wb - y[i]) ** 2
total_cost = 1 / (2 * m) * cost
return total_cost
# Function to calculate the derivatives
def compute_gradient(x, y, w, b):
# Number of training examples
m = x.shape[0]
dj_dw = 0
dj_db = 0
for i in range(m):
f_wb = w * x[i] + b
dj_dw_i = (f_wb - y[i]) * x[i]
dj_db_i = f_wb - y[i]
dj_db += dj_db_i
dj_dw += dj_dw_i
dj_dw = dj_dw / m
dj_db = dj_db / m
return dj_dw, dj_db
def gradient_descent(
x, y, w_in, b_in, alpha, num_iters, cost_function, gradient_function
# An array to store cost J and w's at each iteration primarily for graphing later
J_history = []
p_history = []
b = b_in
w = w_in
for i in range(num_iters):
# Calculate the gradient and update the parameters using gradient_function
dj_dw, dj_db = gradient_function(x, y, w, b)
# Update Parameters using equation (3) above
b = b - alpha * dj_db
w = w - alpha * dj_dw
# Save cost J at each iteration
J_history.append(cost_function(x, y, w, b))
p_history.append([w, b])
if b == 0 and w == 0:
return w, b, J_history, p_history # return w and J,w history for graphing
# Load our data set
x_train = np.array([1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 5.0, 7.0]) # features
y_train = np.array([300.0, 500.0, 350.0, 600.0, 700.0]) # target value
# initialize parameters
w_init = 0
b_init = 0
# some gradient descent settings
iterations = 100000
tmp_alpha = 9.0e-2
# run gradient descent
w_final, b_final, J_hist, p_hist = gradient_descent(
print(f"(w,b) found by gradient descent: ({w_final:.4f},{b_final:.4f})")
(w,b) found by gradient descent: (68.1034,244.8276)
plt.scatter(x_train, y_train, marker="x", color="r")
plt.plot(x_train, w_final * x_train + b_final, color="b")
plt.xlabel("Size (1000sqtf)")
plt.ylabel("Price (1000$)")
plt.title("House Price Prediction")
plt.scatter(x_train, y_train, marker="x", color="r")
plt.plot(x_train, w_final * x_train + b_final, color="b")
plt.xlabel("Size (1000sqtf)")
plt.ylabel("Price (1000$)")
plt.title("House Price Prediction")
target_x = 6.0
target_y = w_final * target_x + b_final
plt.scatter(target_x, target_y, marker="o", color="g", s=100)
plt.axhline(y=target_y, color="g", linestyle="--")
plt.axvline(x=target_x, color="g", linestyle="--")
print(f"6000 sqft house prediction {w_final*6.0 + b_final:0.1f} Thousand dollars")
6000 sqft house prediction 653.4 Thousand dollars
nb_iterations = np.arange(1, 100)
j = J_hist[1:100]
plt.plot(nb_iterations, j, color="b")
plt.xlabel("Number of iterations")
plt.ylabel("Cost J")
plt.title("Cost J vs. Number of iterations")
plt.xlim(0, 100)
plt.ylim(0, 10000)