The discord bot about maplestory.
- Python version: 3.10.0
- 2.3.2
- 先去:
$update level [當前等級_當前趴數(小數點後三位)]
$update piece [當前愛爾達碎片數量]
- 將錢投入倉庫內,最後在記錄錢的部分會比較好算~
- 練等結束後,依序輸入:
$record_level [地點] [練等時間] [當前愛爾達碎片數量] [當前等級_當前趴數] [金幣獲得量] [道具掉落率] [楓幣掉落率]
- 如果會在練等途中使用碎片,也要把使用的數量,加回 當前碎片數量個數 喔。(Ex. 使用 20 + 練等最後身上有 40, 最後必須登入 60)
- 練等前狀態: 284等 04.012%, 碎片量 13 個
- $update level 284_04.012
- $update piece 13
- 練等後狀態: 284等 09.520%, 碎片量 105 個, 身上錢 720,306,780
- $record_level 夏1 2 105 284_09.520 720306780 184 204
- 顯示
即代表完成,未顯示代表輸入有誤 (不知道錯在哪可以直接問我)。
If you want to check ``update'' command.
$help update
It can see the description and its args need to input.
If any argument forget to input, this command will not implement!!
$show [user_id in the server]
if you are not input the user_id (not user_name), then will show your own information about your character. We display character information through discord embeded. like the example below:
$update [attribute] [attribute_information]
$update level 280_73.885
Attribute | notice |
game_name | |
server(伺服器) | |
job (職業) | |
level | 當前等級_當前趴數: 280_15.998 (小數點後第三位) |
group (聯盟戰地) | |
hex_1 (起源技能) | |
hex_2 (精通技能) | |
hex_3 (五轉四技) | 五轉一技-五轉二技...(共四個數字) |
piece | 當前所擁有愛爾達碎片數 |
Try to record training and other situations, commonly known as "坐牢紀錄器"
$record_level [地點] [練等時間] [當前愛爾達碎片數量] [當前等級與趴數] [金幣獲得量] [道具掉落率] [楓幣掉落率]
Notice: 當前等級與趴數輸入要求與上面 update format 相同。