# Clone project
git clone https://github.com/YueBro/sada_uoais
cd sada_uoais
# Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv sada_env
source sada_env/bin/activate
# Install pytorch 1.8.1 for cuda 10.2 and some other modules
pip install torch==1.8.1+cu102 torchvision==0.9.1+cu102 torchaudio==0.8.1 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install shapely torchfile opencv-python pyfastnoisesimd rapidfuzz termcolor
# Install specific detectron2 commit
python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git@5aeb252b194b93dc2879b4ac34bc51a31b5aee13'
# Build custom AdelaiDet and other modules
rm -rf build/ **/*.so
python setup.py build develop
Download at GDrive [1]. Create folders as output/eval_model
and place the checkpoint into the folder.
Download at GDrive [1]. Place the checkpoint into foreground_segmentation
# OSD dataset
wget https://data.acin.tuwien.ac.at/index.php/s/EpX1yej4NShzVtH/download
unzip download
rm download
mv OSD-0.2-depth datasets/OSD-0.2-depth
Download amodal annotation at GDrive [1] and unzip into datasets/OSD-0.2-depth
Download at GDrive. Create folder datasets/UOAIS-Sim
and unzip into the folder.
folder structure should look like
├── output
└── datasets
├── OSD-0.20-depth
│ └──amodal_annotation # OSD-amodal
│ └──annotation
│ └──disparity
│ └──image_color
│ └──occlusion_annotation # OSD-amodal
│ └──OSD_load_all.json
│ └──OSD_load_train.json
│ └──OSD_load_val.json
└── UOAIS-Sim # for training
Automatically using checkpoint output/eval_model/*.pth
# Visualize OSD
python mycode/visualization/visualize_images.py --dataset-name osd --use-cgnet -s 0
# Visualize UOAIS-Sim
python mycode/visualization/visualize_images.py --dataset-name uoais -s 0
Automatically using checkpoint output/eval_model/*.pth
# Evaluate OSD
python mycode/evaluation/evaluation.py --dataset-name osd --use-cgnet
python mycode/train/train_net_SADA.py
Meta architecture: GeneralizedRCNN_FeatureOutput
in adet/modeling/domain_shift_modules/meta_arch.py
Backbone: build_resnet_rgbd_latefusion_fpn_backbone
in adet/modeling/backbone/rgbdfpn.py
HOM heads: ORCNNROIHeads
in adet/modeling/rcnn/rcnn_heads.py
in adet/modeling/domain_shift_modules/disc_for_rcnn.py
[1] S. Back, J. Lee, T. Kim, S. Noh, R. Kang, S. Bak, and K. Lee, “Unseen object amodal instance segmentation via hierarchical occlusion modeling,” 2021.
[2] A. Richtsfeld, T. M¨orwald, J. Prankl, M. Zillich, and M. Vincze, “Segmentation of unknown objects in indoor environments,” in 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2012, pp. 4791–4796.