Statistical test(F-test, t-test, and U-test) with two numerical arrays.
Copyright (c) 2016 Yuji SODE <[email protected]>
This software is released under the Artistic License
See LICENSE or and
- testingFtU.html
- statDist.js
- subStatDist.js
- testingFtU2.html
- statDist2.js
- subStatDist2.js
- testingFtU3.html
- statDist3.js
- subStatDist3.js
- "Sample A" and "Sample B": sample inputs (available data is csv formatted numerical array).
- "Run" button; it runs three statistical tests(F-test, t-test, and U-test) with two given sample(Sample A and Sample B),
and outputs the test results as the upper probabilities. - "Clear" button; it clears the test results by "Run" button.
- "Output as email" button; it saves the test results by "Run" button as email to given address.
- "Sample": sample input (available data is csv formatted numerical array).
- "Resampling from": sample input to be resampled in bootstrap method (available data is csv formatted numerical array).
- "Time of simulation"; it sets how many times the sample and resampled data are tested.
- "Significance level"; it sets a statistical significance level (0-1) in order to test if the null hypothesis (no difference) is rejected.
- "Run" button; it runs three statistical tests(F-test, t-test, and U-test) with the given sample and resampled data,
and outputs the test results: three rates of the null hypothesis rejection, and details expressed with the upper probabilities. - "Clear" button; it clears the test results by "Run" button.
- "Output as email" button; it saves the test results by "Run" button as email to given address.
- "Resampling from" sample input to be resampled in bootstrap method (available data is csv formatted numerical array).
- "Given mean"; it is used as predetermined value of mean in the 1-sample t-test.
- "Resampling size" sample size to be resampled in bootstrap method.
- "Time of simulation"; it sets how many times resampled and tested.
- "Significance level"; it sets a statistical significance level (0-1) in order to test if the null hypothesis (no difference) is rejected.
- "Run" button; it runs 1-sample t-test with the given resampled data, and outputs the test results: a rate of the null hypothesis rejection, and details expressed with the upper probabilities.
- "Clear" button; it clears the test results by "Run" button.
- "Output as email" button; it saves the test results by "Run" button as email to given address.
- statDist.js (Yuji SODE,2016): the Artistic License or the GPL v1 or later;
- statistics-distributions-js_Ymdf.js (Ben Tilly,2008; modified by Yuji SODE, 2016):
the Artistic License or the GPL v1 or later; calcStat_FtU.js (Yuji SODE, 2016): the MIT License;
- bootstrapEst-2.1/bootstrapMdl.js (Yuji SODE,2016): the MIT License;