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Part1 Sales Forecasting: 1_Analysis_and_Preprocessing

1. Fina all variables

  • Merge three dataframes into one by matching store id.

2. Clean data

  • Deal with missing values

    • Filling missing values of markdowns with 0 is better than deleting them.
    • 0 is meaningful because it can presents there is no markdown on that date.
  • Deal with outliers

    • Find outliers by Boxplot and IQR method.
    • Deal with outliers of unemployment by replacing with nearest values.

3. Feature Engineering

  • Map Type and IsHoiday to numeric features.
  • Split Date into Year, Month and Day so that it will be numeric.
  • Use Dept and Size create new meaningful features according to correlation anlysis:
    • Dept_num: departments quantity of a store may affects sales.
    • Size_per_dept: average size of departments of a store may affects sales.

4. EDA with Visualization with Power BI

  • Use pie charts to visualize the proportion of each Type, Year, Month, and IsHoliday.
    • the distribution of Year and Month are balanced
    • the distribution of Type and IsHoliday is not balanced, which may affect the model performance.
  • Visualize sales varying with dates of a specific Dept of a specific Store by filtter of Power BI.
    • sales data has a contrary relationship with temperature.
    • sales data has not obvious relationship with fuel prices and unemployment.

5. Correlation analysis

  • Size(0.24), Dept(0.15) and Type(-0.18) have stonger correation with Weekly_Sales.
  • New feature Dept_num(0.16) and Size_per_dept (0.24) have stonger correation with Weekly_Sales.
  • The data of Type=0 and Type=1 are similar, but they are different from Type=2. We can try reclassifying them into two types.

Part1 Sales Forecasting: 2_Train_and_Evalution

1. Split dataset

  • Use high correlation columns in part 1 correlation analysis
  • Fix zero values of Weekly_Sales.
  • Split dataset acoording to date. train:test = 4:1.

2. Train and Test models

  • Train LinearRegression, KNN, RandomForest, and get scores on test dataset.

3. Evalution

  • Compare MAE, MAPE, RMSE, R2 metrics.
    • Performance of KNN and RandomForest are similar and they are vey higher than LinearRegresiion

4. Ensemble Learning

  • Use KNN and RandomForest to build a VotingRegressor which has a better performance.

5. Visualize predicted data

  • Using all columns to train have a better curve fitting

Part2 Image Classification: 3_Deep_Learning

1. Data preprocessing & augmentation

  • RandomResizedCrop: and RandomHorizontalFlip are useful.
  • RandomRotation, RandomVerticalFlip and Normalizea are unuseful.

2.Define the model

  • ResNet
    • Classic CNN network.
    • Very easy to achieve 90%+ score on this dataset.
  • ViT
    • Use transformer framework on vision tasks.
    • Training more slowly than ResNet.

3. Pipelines

  • Design unified pipelines to train model and test on test dataset.

4. Train model and hyperparameters tuning

  • ResNet
    • larger framework is not useful.
    • Adam and StepLR is better.
    • larger learning rate is batter (1e-3 > 1e-4).
  • ViT
    • Because of slow convergence speed, MultiStepLr can set a large learning rate in the beginning to accelarate training.

5. Evaluation

  • Compare ResNet and ViT with following metrics:
    • Precision
    • Recall
    • F1 score
    • Overall Accuracy
    • ROC curve
    • AUC
    • Confusion matrix
  • Accuracy and AUC of Resnet are higher than ViT.
  • Both of models are more likely to confuse airplane and dog.

Ensemble Learning

  • Using Ensemble Learning method, use Resnet and ViT vote for the pridiction result.
  • Weights of them is Resnet:ViT = 3:1.


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