- Multiple selection list
- Search field hint can be changed
- You can set custom font for the list items
- Searchable list
- Selected item indicator
- Adding action button
Add Jitpack to your repositories in your project level build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add the below to your dependencies, in your build.gradle
implementation 'com.github.ZakariaJawas:ListBottomSheet:1.3.7'
Selected Item
Step 1 Create your model
ListBottomSheet adapter requires a list of objects (model) with a field annotated with @NameField for exmaple
data class Category(val id: Int, @NameField var name: String)
make sure to annotate your title field in your model class with @NameField otherwise UnspecifiedFieldNameExpection will be thrown
Step 2 Build the sheet
val mList = listOf(Category(1, "Category 1"), Category(2, "Category 2"), Category(3, "Category 3"))
val listSheet = ListBottomSheet.Builder<Category>(this)
.title("Choose one")
.onChooseItemCallback { sheet: ListBottomSheet<Category>, category: Category, position: Int ->
sheet.dismiss() //hide the dialog
Step 3 Show the list sheet
used to change the alignment of the title
Values |
Gravity.RIGHT |
Gravity.LEFT |
Gravity.CENTER |
used to change the size of the title
listSheet.titleSize = 18F
used to change the color of the title
listSheet.titleColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.colorPrimary)
used to change the selected item in the list at any time in the code
listSheet.selectedItemIndex = 2
You can use the following functions with the builder to customize the list sheet
used to pass a custom item layout instead of the default layout provided by the library
make sure there is a TextView
with id textView
so the sheet can display the titles in the list
default value true
used to allow or prevent the sheet from being dismissed by clicking outside the sheet
default value false
used to hide or show the close button in the sheet
param Int is color integer value not color resource id
used to change the default selected item color, default value (BLACK)
.selectedItemColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.colorAccent))
note: this property available only for MultiListBottomSheet
param Int is color integer value not color resource id
used to change the default selected item background color, default value (Light Grey)
.selectedItemBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.lightGrey))
used to build the sheet with initial selected item in the list, default value -1
means no selected item
default value false
used to enable the search functionality in the bottom sheet
used to change the action button title, default value Ok
this is a callback for the action button click listener, it will return an instance of the current sheet so it can be dismissed
.setOnActionCallback {
Toast.makeText(this, "On Action Button Clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
For MultiListBottomSheet use this
setOnActionCallback(MultiListBottomSheet, List)_
this is a callback for the action button click listener, it will return an instance of the current sheet so it can be dismissed and a list of the selected items
.setOnActionCallback {
sheet, selectedItems ->
Toast.makeText(this, "${selectedItems.size} items selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
used to change the search field hint text, default value Search
used to change the list items font, default value is the current system font
to change the font of the list items, first create a typeface
val typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(applicationContext.assets, "font/roboto_bold.ttf")
then pass the typeface to the function setCustomTypeface
note: if you use Calligraphy library to change the whole app font, all views inside the bottom list sheet view will be changed as well except the list items which you will have to use this function to do so
Minimum Android SDK: API level 16
Zakaria Jawas @zakariajawas
If you spot a problem you can open an issue on the Github page, or alternatively, you can contact me via [email protected]
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