A simple ROS Navigation tutorial project
This package in working stage. Doesn't work for now
Contain diff_drive_controller and twist_mux package. Launch twist_mux for specify namespace
roslaunch robodrive_controller twist_mux.launch namespace:=<namespace>
Contain rviz and robodrive urdf file.
Using amcl for localization and move_base package. Launching navigation for specify namespaces
roslaunch robodrive_navigation navigation.launch namespace:=<namespace> open_rviz:=<bool>
Contain gazebo and robot_spawner
Launch the simulaton
roslaunch robodrive_simulation sim.launch
Spawning robot for specify namespaces
roslaunch robodrive_simulation robot_spawner.launch namespace:=<namespace> x_pos:=<x> y_pos:=<y> z_pos:=<z>
Contain localization and mapping algorithm For launching mapping Using gmapping for mapping algorthm.
roslaunch robodrive_slam mapping.launch
and save map by
rosrun map_server map_saver -f <map_name>
Contain joystick and keyboard controller launch file. For manuel keyboard controller
roslaunch robodrive_teleop robodrive_teleop_key.launch
For manuel joystick controller
roslaunch robodrive_teleop robodrive_teleop_joy.launch
You must to be launch twist_mux.launch file showing at the up side
Running 2 automate robot simulation and navigation in multiple pane
bash tmux.sh