POC for a shoot-em-up that uses the mouse for position input instead of the much more common direction input.
Use XC to rotate, space to fire, mouse to move.
- have the control scheme be upgradable.
- weave a minimal narrative.
- have some different weapons.
start out with the mouse-oriented navigation, and some graphics. Then script sequence where the player takes a hit. Then downgrade to original asteroid (damage to screen and controls subsystems) and have the player buy component upgrades to return to the original state.
things that can be upgraded: weapons (lasers, guns, missiles, mines ... err ) shields scan processor (better graphics) initially engines, for faster speed initially nav system, for faster turning. eventually nav system changes control scheme to twinstick, then nav system changes control scheme to mousemove. (prereq highest engine speed) time dilation device, allows for pause while upgrading and buying map system.
nav system progression:
- rotate left, rotate right, go forward, shoot (speed of all of these can be upgraded)
- add backwards and strafing movements.
- add directional movements (maybe prerequisite gamepad for this) 3b) a little later (to punish ppl without gamepads, twinstick even for keyboard)
- mouse move.
quirky stuff that can happen on damage: control reversal. (left is right and so on) change from camera oriented to ship oriented. (something like, have lost the navigation system, we have to switch to manual navigation) degrade visuals again, or the new fancy upgrades that were bought. mind control device makes you buy and sell random upgrades?