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Myks homelab

This repository stores myks configuration and is source of truth for my homelab based on k3s.



ArgoCD is used to deploy and manage applications on the cluster. It is needed to be manually installed on a fresh cluster.


cd rendered/envs/alpha/argocd

# First, create the CRDs, then the rest.
find      -name $CRDs -exec kubectl create -f {} \;
find -not -name $CRDs -exec kubectl create -f {} \;

Give it a few minutes to start up.

ArgoCD Vault Plugin is configured as a Content Management Plugin. It uses sops to decrypt secrets, if there are any.

To finish its setup, the private key needs to be set in the cluster.

# Patch the secret to set age private key.
# ArgoCD will use it to decrypt sops secrets.
kubectl patch secret sops-age-key \
  -n argocd \
  -p '{"stringData": {"key": "'$(systemd-ask-password -n)'"}}'