This is the repository for the thesis work "Enhancing the Privacy and Utility of Synthetic Datasets with Generative Machine Learning" done at Communication Systems Group, University of Zurich, supervised by Mr. Weijie Niu, Dr. Alberto Huertas Celdran and Prof. Dr. Burkhard Stiller.
This project is based on the paper "TabuLa: Harnessing Language Models for Tabular Data Synthesis" by Zilong Zhao, Robert Birke, and Lydia Chen. Their paper proposes a new method for generating synthetic datasets using language models, which is faster and more efficient than traditional methods, Tabula. In this project, we implement the DP-SGD algorithm into the training process of Tabula, which can be found in
and the initialization file is
. By adjusting the noise level, we get different levels of privacy and utility. And by using the previous work Design and Implementation of a Platform for Privacy Assessment of Synthetic Data Generation with Generative AI, we can evaluate the privacy and utility of the synthetic datasets. This project is to evaluate the privacy and utility of the synthetic datasets generated by Tabula with DP-SGD to find a balance between privacy and utility.
The python version 3.10 was used to develop this framework. For the following packages, these versions were used:
- Numpy version: 1.26.4
- Pandas version: 2.2.2
- SDV version: 1.15.0
- Scikit-learn version: 1.5.1
- Seaborn version: 0.12.2
- Matplotlib version: 3.9.2
- RDT version: 1.12.3
- Anonymeter version: 1.0.0
- Scipy version: 1.13.0
- Dython version: 0.7.8
- OT version: 0.9.4
- datasets >= 2.5.2
- torch >= 1.10.2
- tqdm >= 4.64.1
- transformers >= 4.22.1
Cloning this repository for DP-Tabula and the evaluation framework is needed.
Real_Datasets: In this folder, the original datasets as well as their training and test datasets are stored into corresponding folders.
- tabula: Main implementation of the Tabula model with DP parameters
- tabula_trainer: Training implementation with DP-SGD
- tabula_start: Initialization and startup code
model_training: In this folder, the training process for different datasets are stored. It tells the specific parameters and also the noise level for each dataset.
evaluation: In this folder, the evaluation process for different datasets are stored. The evaluation process takes three metrics:
- statistical similarity
- privacy metrics
- machine learning metrics
- feature comparison plot
comparison_plots: In this folder, the plots for the comparison between the original and synthetic datasets for each feature are stored. For each dataset, there exist the metrics value in table format and the plot of the metrics value under different noise levels. Inside the plot folder, there are the comparison plots for each feature between the original and synthetic datasets under different noise levels.
Below is an example of how to generate synthetic data using the DP-Tabula
# Import the necessary libraries and the DP-Tabula model
from tabula import Tabula
import pandas as pd
import torch
# Load original dataset
train_data = pd.read_csv('../examples/Real_Datasets/insurance/insurance_train.csv')
# Create the DP-Tabula model
model = Tabula(
categorical_columns=["sex", "children", "sm", "region"], # categorical columns, different for each dataset
sigma=0.01, # noise level
# Load the pre-trained model, can be downloaded from [here]( and put it in the pretrained-model folder
model.model.load_state_dict(torch.load("pretrained-model/"), strict=False)
# Fit the model on the data
# Save the trained model, "insurance_training/")
# Generate synthetic data and save it
synthetic_data = model.sample(n_samples=train_data.shape[0]) # Same size as the training data
synthetic_data.to_csv(f"insurance_syn_data/insurance-sigma-{sigma_str}.csv", index=False)