Bedwars overlay with some extra features.
- ChatGPT
- Ryan MC
- Zenakin
- mod takes long time to scan lobbies, maybe make it more efficient?
- add team name filter by /pl ing before starting?
- add more stats (bed breaks; finals; etc)to display
- check for nicks (send /msg [username] and check for chat reply?)
- stop the startup message from spamming
- move HUD settings to new page seperate from other settings
- indicate high level teams (maybe with letter prefix)
- add compatibility with bridge (starting with duplicating the isInBedwars() method)
- add sorting to playerlist
- add a rate limit tracker (using RateLimit-Remaining)
- fix dependancies not working (Overlay toggle, Cache Clear toggle)
- fix HUD colour change (idk how make HUD change colour from code, but colour is alr there as OCTestMod.statusHudColour in the class)