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This ZenPack monitors particular directories and files within those directories for existence and size. It uses COMMAND bash scripts for both modeling and performance data collection.

Directories and files are specified as zProperties.

This version of the ZenPack uses zenpacklib and is version 1.0.0 in the master git branch.

This ZenPack is not intended as production-level code. It provides detailed examples and explanations of ZenPack building techniques. It is designed to have extremely trivial setup requirements on monitored devices, at the expense of performance and efficiency.

zenpacklib usage

This ZenPack is built with the zenpacklib library so does not have explicit code definitions for device classes, device and component objects or zProperties. Templates are also created through zenpacklib. These elements are all created through the zenpack.yaml file in the main directory of the ZenPack. See for more information on zenpacklib.

Note that if templates are changed in the zenpack.yaml file then when the ZenPack is reinstalled, the existing templates will be renamed in the Zenoss ZODB database and the new template from the YAML file will be installed; thus a backup is effectively taken. Old templates should be deleted in the Zenoss GUI when the new version is proven.


Zenoss Device Classes

zenpacklib creates /Server/Linux/DirFile with:

  • zPythonClass:
  • zDeviceTemplates:
    • Disk_free_df
    • Device
  • zCollectorPlugins: ['zenoss.snmp.NewDeviceMap', 'zenoss.snmp.DeviceMap', 'HPDeviceMap', 'DellDeviceMap', 'zenoss.snmp.InterfaceMap', 'zenoss.snmp.RouteMap', 'zenoss.snmp.IpServiceMap', 'zenoss.snmp.HRFileSystemMap', 'zenoss.snmp.HRSWRunMap', 'zenoss.snmp.CpuMap', 'HPCPUMap', 'DellCPUMap', 'DellPCIMap', 'zenoss.snmp.SnmpV3EngineIdMap', 'community.cmd.DirFileMap']
  • Several templates are created accessible by this class

Device and component object classes

  • DirFileDevice - it has no new attributes
  • Dir component class with attributes:
    • dirName
  • File component with attributes:
    • fileName
    • fileDirName
    • fileRegex
    • monitoring_templates set to [File, FileXml] where File is shipped as part of zenpack.yaml and FileXml, containing custom datasource metrics, is shipped in objects.xml.

where DirFileDevice -> contains many Dir components -> contains many File components


zenpacklib creates three pairs of zProperties to specify directory names to search for and a regular expression to denote files within those directories to report on. These are of the format:

  • zMonitorDir1
  • zMonitorDir1File

Modeler Plugins

There is no device-level modeler.

  • DirFileMap which populates:
    • Directories
    • Files within the associated directory that match the regex expression

Note that, as shipped, the DirFileMap modeler is restricted to searching directories under /opt/zenoss/local ; this is for performance reasons.

Monitoring Templates

  • Device templates
    • Disk_free_df with a single COMMAND datasource to run on remote targets to deliver disk free information, with graph
  • Component templates
    • Dir with a single COMMAND datasource to gather disk usage (du) information for the directory, with graph
    • File with several COMMAND datasources (shipped in zenpack.yaml):
      • FileDiskUsed - uses du on remote target, passing filename as parameter, with graph
      • FileLsDiskUsed - uses ls on remote target and employs ZenPack parser to allocate correct data to file components, with graph
      • FileTest1WithoutCount - runs remote to gather count of lines containing "without" or "test 1", search string hard-coded, with graph
    • FileXml (shipped in objects.xml)
      • without - runs remote through a Zenapck-delivered datasource, DirFileDataSource, to gather count of lines containing "without", where search string is supplied in template GUI, with graph
      • test_1 - runs remote through a Zenapck-delivered datasource, DirFileDataSource, to gather count of lines containing "test 1", where search string is supplied in template GUI, with graph


DirFileDataSource to supply customised datasource GUI to specify a search string for file matching. The CommandPlugin method is used to collect the data.


The FileLsDiskUsed template uses a customised parser to allocate correct ls values to file components.


The /DirFile event class is shipped as part of objects.xml.

GUI modifications


The new zProperties for zMonitorDir and zMonitorDirFile should be customised for the /Server/Linux/DirFile device class and, potentially overridden for specific devices.

Ensure that suitable values for zCommandUsername, zCommandPassword, zKeyPath and zCommandPath are customised for the device class and potentially overridden for specific devices.

Test ssh communications from the command line before expecting Zenoss to perform successful ssh communications.

Some command templates require bash scripts to be installed on remote targets. These are shipped in the libexec directory of the ZenPack and should be transferred to remote devices using local methods (ftp, scp, Chef, puppet, ...). On the targets, the scripts need to be in the directory specified by zCommandPath for the device. The scripts must be executable by the user specified in the device's zCommandUsername property.


Test files

It is recommended that the ZenPack be tested against a small number of devices, each having a small number of test files.

Note that the modeler plugin, as shipped, will only search for files and directories under the /opt/zenoss/local directory hierarchy.

The ZenPack was tested against the following test hierarchy:

zenplug@bino:/opt/zenoss/local/fredtest> ls -l *
-rw-r--r-- 1 jane users  126 Jan 14 14:40 fred1.log_20151110
-rw-r--r-- 1 jane users  434 Jan 14 14:40 fred1.log_20151116
-rw-r--r-- 1 jane users 1047 Jan 14 14:41 fred1.log_20151202
-rw-r--r-- 1 jane users  961 Jan 18 19:10 fred1.log_20160118

total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 jane users  499 Dec  2 17:38 fred2.log_20151124
-rw-r--r-- 1 jane users  499 Dec  3 19:17 fred2.log_20151125
drwxr-xr-x 2 jane users 4096 Nov 29 18:17 lowertest

where each file has a number of lines containing "test 1" and "without", the search strings that are hard-coded into some of the datasource examples.

Note that the directories must have read and execute access for the zCommandUsername and the files must have read access.

The DirFile zProperties used for testing were:

zMonitorDir1 /opt/zenoss/local/fredtest
zMonitorDir1File fred1.*
zMonitorDir3 /opt/zenoss/local/fredtest/test
zMonitorDir3File fred2\.log.*

Requirements & Dependencies

  • Zenoss Versions Supported: 4.x

  • External Dependencies:

    • The zenpacklib package that this ZenPack is built on, requires PyYAML. This is installed as standard with Zenoss 5 and with Zenoss 4 with SP457. To test whether it is installed, as the zenoss user, enter the python environment and import yaml:

      import yaml
      <module 'yaml' from '/opt/zenoss/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyYAML-3.11-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/yaml/'>

      If pyYAML is not installed, install it, as the zenoss user, with:

      easy_install PyYAML

      and then rerun the test above.

  • Installation Notes:

    • Restart zenoss entirely after installation


Download the appropriate package for your Zenoss version from the list below.

ZenPack installation

This ZenPack can be installed from the .egg file using either the GUI or the zenpack command line.

To install in development mode, find the repository on github and use the Download ZIP button (right-hand margin) to download a tgz file and unpack it to a local directory, say, /code/ZenPacks . Install from /code/ZenPacks with:

zenpack --link --install
Restart zenoss after installation.

Device Support

This ZenPack only requires very basic Unix commands on the target devices.

Limitations and Troubleshooting

There is an issue sometimes with zenpacklib supporting templates with custom datasources. For this reason, the test_1 and without datasources and their associated graphs are shipped in a separate FileXml template in objects.xml. Attempts to ship them specified in zenpack.yaml appears to result in an empty CommandTemplate field, even though ZMI shows the correct entry. The result is that data is not collected and events are generated from zenhub complaining about an incorrect TALES expression.

The File object class in zenpack.yaml has monitoring_templates set to [File, FileXml].

Change History

  • 1.0.0
    • Initial Release
  • 1.0.1
    • Initial Release for PythonCollector


See the screenshots directory.
