provides qml component libs and qml application libs for guis
Following folders must be set:
- QML_IMPORT_PATH=/usr/lib64/qt5/qml
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH has to be equal to /usr;${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}. It is recommendet to set the variables not to the hosts systemroot.
For example use:
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr;/${some}/${folder}/usr CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/${some}/${folder}/usr CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR=/${some}/${folder}/etc QML_IMPORT_PATH=${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/zera-qml-modules
To setup the Project in your terminal go to your desired build location and call:
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/usr;${install_dir}" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${install_dir}"
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR="${config_dir}" -DQML_IMPORT_PATH=${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/zera-qml-modules -S /<path>/<to>/<repo>
To build the project call
make -j8
in your build directory.
- Go to open project and choose the toplevel CMakeLists.txt
- Configure project
- Go to Projects
- Add the required cmake and qml variables and set them as described above
- Run CMake
- Build