Visual analyzer for KQ Analytics. Uses charts and plots to help user better analyze statistics on the KQ Project.
Retrieves data from the JSON API provided by our KQ Analytics project and creates a visual representation of data in a user-friendly, cross-platform desktop application. KQ Analyzer also uses the data to intelligently create a prediction of future statistics using machine learning (classifaction/clustering)
The analyzer uses R to plot and analyze data and uses R Shiny to create the desktop application.
- Analysis of
- ID Data.
- URL Data
- Tracking ID
- Timestamp Data.
- Miscellaneous Data (user-agent etc.)
- Machine-learning-based predictions
- URL Authentication (Automate logging in and fetching analyzed data)
A valid installation of KQ Analytics (OSS software) is required to use KQ Analyzer, which works by accessing KQ Analytics' JSON API.
- R
- R Studio (Optional, but very helpful for editing).
- Curl
- Shiny
- jsonlite
- b64enc
- RCurl
- DiagrammeR
Please visit the setup.txt file for more reference.
A fully functional installation of KQ Analyzer, available to the public, can be found here
(c) 2016, Zetaphase Technologies Inc, All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Created by xeliot and 0xFireball. This project goes hand-in-hand with one of our other projects, KQ Analytics.