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React List Container

A set of React container components (list & item) used to manage template-level subscriptions in Meteor apps. Supports client-side joins and nested trees.


meteor add utilities:react-list-container


A container is a special React component that doesn't output any HTML. Instead, its whole job is to fetch data and pass it on as props to its child components.

This package provides two containers that help you fetch data and pass it as props either for a paginated list of documents, or for a single document.

You can import and use the containers with:

import Containers from "meteor/utilities:react-list-container";

const ListContainer = Containers.ListContainer;
const DocumentContainer = Containers.DocumentContainer;

List Container


To use the list container, just wrap it around a child component:

<ListContainer collection={Posts} publication="posts.list">

Or alternatively pass the child component as the component argument:

<ListContainer collection={Posts} publication="posts.list" component={PostList}/>


The list container accepts the following props:

Basic Props

collection (object) [required]

The Meteor collection in which to look for data.

selector (object)

The selector (as in Collection.find(selector, options)) used on the client to query for data. If not provided, will default to {}.

options (object)

The options used on the client to sort and limit data. If not provided, will default to {}.

publication (string)

Optionally, the name of a publication to which to subscribe to. If not provided, the container will assume the required data has already been published.

terms (object)

If a publication is provided, an object passed as argument to the publication when subscribing. If not provided, the container will subscribe without providing any arguments.

limit (number)

How many documents to initially query. Defaults to 10.

increment (number)

How much to increment the list by every time. Defaults to 10. If set to 0, the container will always act as if they were no more elements to more (hasMore equals false).

component (object)

The component to be wrapped by the container (can also be passed as child).

componentProps (object)

Properties passed to the component (when specified as attribute) in addition to the ones provided by the container.

componentProps (object)

Advanced Props

Additionally, the following advanced features are also available:

joins (array)

An array of joins. Each join object has the following properties:

  • localProperty (string): the property in the current collection containing the join info (for example, a categories property containing an array of a post's categories' _ids).
  • foreignProperty (string): the property in the other collection containing the _id of documents in the current collection (for example, a postId property on the Comments collection for comments belonging to a post).
  • collection (object|function): the collection in which to look for the documents to join (or alternatively a function returning the collection).
  • joinAs (string): the new property under which to store the result of the join.

The container makes the following assumptions:

  • The localProperty property contain either a single _id, or an array of _ids.
  • The foreignProperty property contain a single _id.
  • You can't have both a localProperty and a foreignProperty.
  • The data required by the join is published by the publication publication, or else has already been published independently.


joins = [
    localProperty: "userId",
    collection: Meteor.users,
    joinAs: "author"
    localProperty: "categoriesId",
    collection: Categories,
    joinAs: "categories"
    foreignProperty: "postId",
    collection: Comments,
    joinAs: "comments"
parentProperty (string)

The name of a property storing the parent node's _id to use to “unflatted” the list of documents into a tree.

In the following example, you would pass parentCommentId as the parentProperty:

    _id: 1,
    title: "A comment"
    _id: 2,
    title: "Another comment"
    _id: 3,
    title: "A reply to the first comment",
    parentCommentId: 1

Note: make sure to pass 0 as a limit to load all documents when using trees.

resultsPropName (string)

By default, the container will store its results in a results property. You can optionally pass a different property name.

cacheSubscription (bool)

Set to true to cache your subscription using Subs Manager.

listId (string)

A unique name or ID for the current list.


The list container passes on the following props:

currentUser (object)

The current Meteor user.

results (array)

The documents outputted by the list container.

count (number)

A count of the documents.

totalCount (number)

A count of the total number of documents matching the query on the server.

(Note: will only be available if you're publishing a count with the same name as the publication using the publish-counts package).

hasMore (boolean)

Whether there is more content to load or not. Also see above note about requiring the publish-counts package.

ready (boolean)

Whether the subscription is ready (default to true if there is no subscription).

loadMore (function)

A callback function that loads the next items in the list.

Document Container


Similarly to the list component, this container will pass props to any child component. But unlike the list container, it only works for single documents:

<DocumentContainer collection={Posts} selector={{_id: "xyz"}}>


The item container accepts the following props:

collection (object) [required]

See list container.

selector (object) [required]

See list container.

publication (string)

See list container.

terms (object)

See list container.

joins (array)

See list container.

component (object)

See list container.

componentProps (object)

See list container.

loading (component)

A React component to display while the subscription is working.

documentPropName (string)

By default, the container will store its results in a document property. You can optionally pass a different property name.


The item container passes on the following props:


The current Meteor user.


The document.


Note: doesn't work after all, keeping this here for reference's sake. Use publish-counts instead.

This package also provides a CursorCounts object to keep track of cursor counts (i.e. how many total results exist in the database for a given cursor).

It exposes two methods, set and get. In both cases, terms should be an object whose property can uniquely identify a cursor, such as your subscription terms for example:

terms = {
  publication: "posts",
  selector: {
    status: 2
  options: {
    sort: {
      postedAt: -1

Note: your terms should ideally include a unique identifier for the current publication to avoid any ambiguity in case the same selector/options pair is reused in a different context.

set(terms, count)

Call this from within your publication to update a count:

import { CursorCounts } from "meteor/utilities:react-list-container";

Meteor.publish('posts', function (terms) {

  const posts = Posts.find(terms.selector, terms.options);

  CursorCounts.set(terms, posts.count());

  return posts;    


Retrieve the total count for a given cursor.


Smart containers for React & Meteor






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