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Simple Graphql express example for learning purpose. in this project, i also provide the concept how to interact with mongodb and graphql with express server. developer also use this for small application development with express and graphql.

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GraphQL practical example with express-graphql and mongoose

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GraphQL developed by Facebook in 2012 and publicly available in 2015. GraphQL is alternative of REST full web service. It allows clients Query with flexible data structure which are required for client. It also support the data manipulation and modification functionlaity named mutation Like rest api. GraphQL provide official middleware for express server named express-graphql.

Over the past two month, I tried to learn about graphql and graphql connection with database using express js. I read some blogs and article. Most of the author provide the example or tutorial which graphql is related to static json data. Some blog are provide simple example with one graphql's type.

So I am tried to read those blogs and graphql documentation again and again. Last tow week ago, I think about some idea about how i connect the mongodb with graphql using express js as web server. create the example which provides CRUD operation functionality with tow mongodb collections with one to many relation. this project will provide the idea about how developer handle the one to many and many to many relation graphql's type using mongoose and graphql-express.This Project will also show the path how to build better web service structure using graphql with express js.

Installation instructions

  1. clone the repository git clone
  2. For Yarn run command yarn install
  3. Or for npm run command npm install

Project Structure

|--| config
|----| database.js (database configuration file)
|--|db (mongodb exported collection)
|----| <mongodb collection>.json (mongodb exported file)
|--| src (Project soruce file directory)
|----| graphql (All graphql related file directory)
|------| mutations (All graphql mutation related file directory)
|--------| <Type Wise Mutation>.js (Graphql type wise mutation files)
|--------| index.js (export all mutation to other module by this file)
|------| queries (All GraphQL Query related files)
|--------| <GraphQL type file>.js (Individual Graphql type related file)
|--------| index.js (GraphQL Root Type file)
|----| models (All mongoose ODM related file)
|------| <mongoose model>.js (mongoose model and schema related file)
|----| schema.js (GraphQL Schema building file)
|--| .env (node js environment variable related file)
|--| index.js (main file for run web server and connection mongoose create GraphQL Endpoint)

Prerequsite and configurations

  1. Install the mongodb and Studio 3T non commercial version.
  2. Create Database to mongodb named graphqltest
  3. Add username and password to mongodb and provide all permission to database.
  4. Grant all permission to user.
  5. Import json file from db folder to graphqltest database.
  6. Change the .env file for database configuration
  7. Run the command yarn start or npm start

Introductions and knowladgebase

  1. GraphQL
  2. express JS
  3. dotenv
  4. mongoose
  5. Graphqli
  6. nodemon

What is graphql

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools!alt text.

What is graphql-express

GraphQL HTTP server with any HTTP web framework that supports connect styled middleware, including Connect itself, Express and Restify.

What is Mongoose

Mongoose is an object data modeling (ODM) library that provides a rigorous modeling environment for your data, enforcing structure as needed while still maintaining the flexibility that makes MongoDB powerful.

Express JS

Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.

Sample coding for create graphql api for client

Create the mongoose schema for database interactions

  1. Go to src/models folder
  2. Create file Author.js and Post.js
// src/models/Author.js
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const authorSchema = new Schema({
    name: { type: String },
    email: {type: String, required: true, unique: true}
const Author = mongoose.model('Author', authorSchema);
module.exports = Author;
// src/models/Post.js
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const postSchema = new Schema({
    author_id: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    title: String,
    category: String,
    body: String
const Post = mongoose.model('Post', postSchema);
module.exports = Post;

this code snappit contains the model defination for mongodb using mongoose ODM.

  1. first we add mongoose by adding javascript const mongoose = require('mongoose');
  2. then add the javascript const Schema = mongoose.Schema; schema for support different datatype and constraint of mongoose
  3. Schema defination for authorSchema and postSchema contains the mongodb collection information

What is Schema in Graphql?

GraphQL has its own type language that’s used the write GraphQL schemas: The Schema Definition Language (SDL). Schema contains the some attributes named.!GraphQL Documentation

  1. Query
  2. Mutation
  3. Subscription

What is Type in graphql?

The most basic components of a GraphQL schema are object types, which just represent a kind of object you can fetch from your service, and what fields it has. In the GraphQL schema language, we might represent it like this!GraphQL Documentation:

type PostType {
    id: ID!
    title: String!
    body: String!
    author: [AuthorType]!
  1. AuthorType: is a Graphql Object Type
  2. id, title and body, AuthorType is field name of Object Type
  3. String and ID is DataType of the field. this type is called as ScalarType and
  4. After DataType ! symbol means non-nullable
  5. [AuthorType]! means array of AuthorType object which is embedded with AuthorType Object Type

How to Create Type of ObjectType in Graphql?

const { GraphQLString, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLNonNull } = require('graphql');
const AuthorType = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'AuthorType',
    description: "This represent an author",
    fields: () => ({
        _id: {type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)},
        name: {type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)},
        email: {type: GraphQLString}

module.exports = AuthorType;
  1. express-graphql provide the GraphQlObjectType which is provide all functionality of graphql Type and Query
  2. I define AuthorType as a GraphQLObjectType at src/graphql/queries/AuthorType.js
const { GraphQLString, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLNonNull } = require('graphql');
const Author = require('../../models/Author');
const AuthorType = require('./AuthorType');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const PostType = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'PostType', 
    description: "This is resent post",
    fields: () => ({
        _id: {type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)},
        title: {type: GraphQLString},
        body: {type: GraphQLString},
        author_id: {type: GraphQLString},
        author: {type: AuthorType, resolve: async function (post) {
            var authors =  await  Author.findById(mongoose.Types.ObjectId(post.author_id))
            if(!authors) {
                throw new Error('Error')
            return authors

module.exports = PostType
  1. define PostType variable at src/graphql/queries/PostType.js file, which contains the GraphQLObjectType.
  2. GraphQLObjectType has argument Object which contains:
  name: `<Name of the GrapQLObjectType or Graphql Type>`,
  description: `<Description of the GraphQLObjectType`>,
  fields: () => `(function which contains return the fields of the GraphQLObjectType)`{
      type: `<Datatype of the Fields>`
      resolve: `(function for resolve the field from api or database or from ORM or ODM)`
  1. at PostType graphql object type, I have added the author field and resolve function to resolve the field information from mongodb database using mongoose model named Author model
  2. I have use async function to resolve the author field
  3. var authors = await Author.findById(mongoose.Types.ObjectId(post.author_id)) return author information related to specific post
  4. to handle the error i have to throw the Error object, which object has no author information by throw new Error('Error')
  5. or return authors which contains AuthorType graphql Object Type Information.

What is Root Type in GraphQL?

At the top level of every GraphQL server is a type that represents all of the possible entry points into the GraphQL API, it's often called the Root type or the Query type.!GraphQL Documentation

How to Create Root Type for Schema by express-graphql?

In this project I have create the root type at file src/graphql/queries/index.js

// src/graphql/queries/index.js

const { GraphQLList, GraphQLObjectType } = require('graphql');
const Author = require('../../models/Author')
const Post = require('../../models/Post')
const PostType = require('./PostType');
const AuthorType = require('./AuthorType')

const BlogQueryRootType = new GraphQLObjectType ({
    name: 'BlogAppSchema',
    description: "Blog Application Schema Query Root",
    fields: () => ({
        authors: {
            type: new GraphQLList(AuthorType),
            description: "List of all Authors",
            resolve: async function () {
              return await  Author.find({}, (err, auth) => {
        posts: {
            type: new GraphQLList(PostType),
            description: "List of all posts",
            resolve: async function () {
               var posts = await  Post.find({})
               return posts;

module.exports = BlogQueryRootType
  1. BlogQueryRootType is a root type and also a GraphQLObjectType which contains all the attribute and functions like other GraphQLObjectType.
  2. In fileds is functions which contains all the Query of the Schema. For Every GraphQL field has its own resolve options.
  3. authors and posts fields resolve list of a those GraphQLObjectType.

What is Mutations in GraphQL?

In REST, any request might end up causing some side-effects on the server, but by convention it's suggested that one doesn't use GET requests to modify data. GraphQL is similar - technically any query could be implemented to cause a data write. However, it's useful to establish a convention that any operations that cause writes should be sent explicitly via a mutation.

Just like in queries, if the mutation field returns an object type, you can ask for nested fields. This can be useful for fetching the new state of an object after an update.!GraphQL Documentation

How to Create Mutation by express-graphql?

  1. In this project I have create the directory src/graphql/mutations.
  2. Then I have create the file named AuthorMutation.js and PostMutation.js file import the graphql express functions and library and import mongoose models for mutation operations.
// src/graphql/mutations/AuthorMutation.js
var {GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLString} = require('graphql');
var AuthorType = require('../queries/AuthorType');
var Author = require('../../models/Author')
  1. At AuthorMutations.js file have added the three functions for mutations.
// src/graphql/mutations/AuthorMutation.js
const addAuthor = {
    type: AuthorType,
    args: {
        name: {
            name: 'name',
            type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
        email: {
            name: 'email',
            type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
    resolve: async function (root, params) {
        const uModel = new Author(params);
        const newAuthor = await;
        if(!newAuthor) {
            throw new Error('Error')
        return newAuthor
  1. for addAuthor mutation type contains two attributes and one resolve function
  2. type attribute value will be any type of GraphQLObjectType. I have added AuthorType graphql Object type for addAuthor mutation.
  3. args attribute contains the paramter for this mutation. we can defind the each argument which contains:
<argument_name>: {
    name: <argument_name> // Optional,
    type: <GraphQL_type> // `GraphQLNonNull` for checking the null value
  1. resolve function using for resolve the mutations. which contains the all the functionality to change or effect the models or data. I have use mongoose save function to save the new author to mongodb database. also use async function to handle the mongodb operations.

  2. Mutation for update the author information, i write the code to AuthorMutation.js file. the function is updateAuthor. which contains similar attribute like addAuthor:

// src/graphql/mutations/AuthorMutation.js
const updateAuthor = {
    type: AuthorType,
    args: {
        _id: {
            name: '_id',
            type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
        name: {
            name: 'name',
            type: GraphQLString
        email: {
            name: 'email',
            type: GraphQLString
    resolve: async function(root, param) {
       let updateAuthor = {};
       if( {
       if( {
       const uAuthor = await Author.findByIdAndUpdate(param._id, updateAuthor, {new: true})
       if(!uAuthor) {
           throw new Error('Error')
       return uAuthor
  1. For Delete author has similar attribute like addAuthor. the code snippet are shows below:
// src/graphql/mutations/AuthorMutation.js
const deleteAuthor = {
    type: AuthorType,
    args: {
        _id: {
            name: '_id',
            type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
    resolve: async function (root, param) {
      const deleteAuthor =  await Author.findByIdAndRemove(param._id)
      if(!deleteAuthor) {
         throw new Error('Error');
      return deleteAuthor
  1. then export those functions at end of AuthorMutation.js file:
// src/graphql/mutations/AuthorMutation.js
module.exports = {addAuthor, updateAuthor, deleteAuthor}
  1. Similar way i also create the PostMutation.js file to add the mutation functionality:
// src/graphql/mutations/PostMutation.js

var {GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLString} = require('graphql')
var Post = require('../../models/Post');
var PostType = require('../queries/PostType');

const createPost = {
    type: PostType,
    args: {
        title: {
            name: "title",
            type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
        author_id: {
            name: "author_id",
            type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
        body: {
            name: "body",
            type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
    resolve: async function(root, param) {
        const postModel = new Post(param);
        const savePost = await;
        if(!savePost) {
            throw new Error('Error')
        return savePost;

const updatePost = {
    type: PostType,
    args: {
        _id: {
            name: "_id",
            type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
        author_id: {
            name: "author_id",
            type: GraphQLString
        title: {
            name: "title",
            type: GraphQLString
        body: {
            name: "body",
            type: GraphQLString
    resolve: async function (root, param) {
       let updatePost = {};
       if(param.author_id) {
           updatePost.author_id = param.author_id;

       if(param.title) {
           updatePost.title = param.title

       if(param.body) { 
           updatePost.body = param.body

        const updatePostInfo = await Post.findByIdAndUpdate(param._id,updatePost,{new: true});

        if(!updatePostInfo) {
            throw new Error('Error');
        return updatePostInfo;

const deletePost = {
    type: PostType,
    args: {
        _id: {
            name: "_id",
            type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
    resolve: async function (root, param) {
        const deletePost = await Post.findByIdAndRemove(param._id);
        if(deletePost) {
            throw new Error('Error');
        return deletePost;

module.exports = {createPost, updatePost, deletePost}
  1. then Create index.js file which will export all the mutations functions and objects
// src/graphql/mutations/index.js

var { addAuthor, updateAuthor, deleteAuthor } = require('./AuthorMutation');
var { createPost, updatePost, deletePost} = require('./PostMutation')

module.exports = {

How to Create Schema in express-graphql?

Then I have create the schema js file to src/graphql/schema.js which contains all the graphql Query and Mutation.

// src/graphql/schema.js

const { GraphQLObjectType,GraphQLSchema } = require('graphql');
const mutation = require('./graphql/mutations/index')
const BlogQueryRootType = require('./graphql/queries/index')

const BlogAppSchema = new GraphQLSchema({
   query: BlogQueryRootType,
   mutation: new GraphQLObjectType({
       name: 'Mutation',
       fields: mutation

module.exports = BlogAppSchema;
  1. GraphQLSchema contains the query and mutation attribute or object.
  2. query attribute contains root type for graphql which i created at src/graphql/queries/index.js file.
  3. mutation attribute is also a GraphQLObjectType, which contains two attribute.
    name: <name of the mutation>
    fields: <Main mutations Object>
  1. I have added the main mutation objects which are exported at src/graphql/mutations/index.js

Call the Graphql Schema to http endpoint of express js:

  1. graphql-express which is a middleware of express and graphql.
  2. check endpoint using schema.js schema at index.js root of the project directory.
// index.js
const schema = require('./src/schema');
app.use('/', graphQLHttp({
    schema: schema,
    graphiql: true
  1. Run the Application by npm start or if you are using yarn command will be yarn start

Query and Mutation Example

  1. Mutation Example for Adding the Author

Adding Author image

  1. Query Example for Show All Author

Show All Authors

  1. Mutation for update Author Information

Update Author Info

  1. Mutation for delete Author

Delete Author

  1. Mutation for create the post info

Create Post

  1. Query for get all post with author data

All Post with author data

  1. Update Post Information

Update Post Information


Simple Graphql express example for learning purpose. in this project, i also provide the concept how to interact with mongodb and graphql with express server. developer also use this for small application development with express and graphql.






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