Goal: Reconstruct human speech from neural signal
Data Source: Data is from an experiment that clinical doctor electro-nodes in a subject’s cortical surface and subject listens to 2100 human reading sentences. At the same time, recording audio signal and neural signal.
Project Link: https://inclass.kaggle.com/c/rice-stat-640-444-2016
Basic idea: From neural network: A good neural network model is the one has the modeling structure to extract the important features from data
Background knowledge: In neural science, different frequency signal is from different depth of brain and the information used to reconstruct audio signal can be linear or non-linear. The same for different electronodes.
Idea: Two layers modeling First Layer: Apply different models, linear or non-linear, to different frequencies and locations and select the optimal one to make the prediction which is the input for the second layer Second Layer: Apply different models to the result from the first layer and make the final prediction
- Model structure illustrates deep insight from the domain, neural science, knowledge
- Can be used for distributed computating, becaused of the by step computation
Model idea visualization
- Split data into two categories activated or inhabitated(based on neural activity) with Hidden Markov Model
- First layer: Create new variables by extracting feature from each frequency(6) band and location(70),
- Second Layer: Make Final prediction based on 76 new variables from the first layer
Environment(IDE): Rstudio
- open Rstudio
- click "File" in the menu
- then "Open Project..."
- go to README.md directory
- click open
- main.R (user interface)
- load.R (load all the data)
- package.R (load all the necessary packages)
- source/DataExpore (data exploration and visualization)
- HMM_State_Splition (Method step 1)
- Source_HMM_State_Splition (source file for step 1)
- First_Layer_Model_Selection_Tuning (Method step 2)
- Source_First_Layer_Model_Selection_Tuning (source file for step 2)
- Second_Layer_Model_Selection_Tuning (Method step 3)
- Source_Second_Layer_Model_Selection_Tuning (source file for step 3)