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Releases: Ziconius/FudgeC2

FudgeC2 v0.5.0 (Goblin Alchemist)

28 Dec 19:50
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Notable changes to 0.5.0 include;

  • Server application has had a major over haul, improving visuals, response, and stability, this include:
    • New server dashboard
    • Active implant information, including a copy of the implant code
    • Redesigned implant interaction page - including queued commands, active implants and responses.
  • Implants are no longer reliant on the X-Response header, each command is tainted with a marker.
  • Host data is now collated and searchable
  • Implant built in functionality improved including:
    • File downloads
    • File uploads
    • Exporting clipboard
    • Basic system info
    • Loading external scripts and modules. i.e. PowerUp
  • Improved server stability
  • Listeners system improved and more stable.
  • Updated implant obfuscation
  • Early dev for playing audio files on the target system

FudgeC2 v0.4.0 (Tauren Herbalist)

14 Jul 02:21
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Release v0.4.0 notable changes are as follows:

  • Database has undergone review and is now broken into 3 smaller classes to support maintainability
  • Fuller logging of campaign/implant actions
  • Application logging now implemented
  • Large improvements to the implant generation, more hardcoded values removed.
  • Implant now supports more obfuscation
  • Stager page now provides click-to-copy functionality
  • Stager payload now includes "-windowStyle hidden"
  • PEP8 and styling improvements to support code readability & maintainability

FudgeC2 v0.3.0 (Dwarven Blacksmith)

26 Jun 19:49
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Release v0.3.0 has changes are as follows:

  • Implants now support multiple protocols at the same time. C2 callback now selects an embedded protocol at random.
  • First stage of implant obfuscation implemented.
  • TLS (HTTPS) C2 channel now fully implemented.
  • TLS cert/key warnings in place if they do not exist.
  • C2 protocol now logged as part of communication.
  • Bug fixes and code improvements.

FudgeC2 v0.2.0 (Human Grunt)

10 Jun 05:33
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New features and major changes in this release include:

  • Implant listener configuration
  • First stage of HTTPS C2 channel implemented
  • Returning implant data format improved
  • Further logging of campaign data, include user actions, and generated implant code
  • Numerous bug fixes and improvements

Fudge Pre-release

06 May 16:37
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Fudge Pre-release Pre-release

This is pre-release (1.0) for Fudge.

Implant, app, and C2 channel are all working in this pre-release, however below functionality does not exist or, does not work yet.

Current in development:

  • Review how implant responses are displayed within the main campaign page to improve readability.
  • Add further work on implant obfuscation levels/configuration.
  • Improve format of returning data.
  • Deploy HTTPS cert to HTTP channel
  • Refactoring and improve code with TODO tags.

The first full release will be published as version v2.0