Various libraries for TwinCAT using OOP style. For example on usage see tests in the TESTS
folder of the library project. Report any possible bugs :)
There are many project to choose from, but they all, for the most part, reference Core
library - this is a library with core functionalities and interfaces.
Current libraries include:
As a side note, the libraries contain "helper classes", which are programs that do not hold any body logic, thus they do not require being called. These "classes" have only methods
and constants
. As an example, this is a helper class for Ams:
And here is an exaple of calling it:
sNetId := ZigasLibs_Core.AmsHelper.NetIdToString(_amsAddress.netId)
Every project and object can and should have tests for them written. TcUnit framework is used for writting tests For more info see . The tests should serve as a guidline how to use the functionality of the library. Every library has same project structure, created from a template:
Inside the "TEST" folder, there are test suites for every FUNCTION_BLOCK
, etc... Example of how to create different logs with the logger tests:
IF fbLogger.Ready AND fbLocalSystemTime.CurrentTime.IsValid THEN
fbLogger.LogError('Error text....');
fbFileHandler.FileProperties.FileLocation := FOLDER_PATH;
In order to avoid having TcUnit downloaded to the production machine, make sure that your environment laptop does not have TcUnit installed. If that is the case, when you donwload the code, anything related to TcUnit will be excluded - if you do have TcUnit installed you will get GVL_TcUnit list, which will have 1000 test suites by default, which will end up taking around 100MB~ of space. You can look at the issues when downloading TcUnit to devices which have limited RAM here. Here are the steps you should take before downloading the code including any of the libraries to a machine:
A good aproach to develop libraries would be, to have the development on a virtual machine, while having your actual PC/laptop (used for loading to the machines) have no reference to the TcUnit library, that way it will always be excluded when downloading the code. Inside the projects, TcUnit will have the option to not trigger errors if it is not installed on the sistem, so that no misleading errors are displayed:
TwinCAT version: 4024.60 (08/09/2024)