I accidentally dropped the phone from my hands on the floor, the display is damaged. This will be my last stable release on the github. The kernel (common kernel upstreams only) will be updated on my gdrive https://maglit.me/conthiwic
Ethereal is good alternative, so I recommend using it.
Thank you for using my kernel :)
EOL update:
- Compiler: AOSP Clang 11.0.3
- Latest Linux kernel updates from android-3.18 common tree (synced with sources up to July 23, 2020).
- CAF camera fixes
- Kernel can be installed on android 8.1, 9 and 10
- If you want to change to another custom kernel on android 10:
- You have to flash Underground-uninstaller.zip and stock boot.img (from your ROM.zip)
- After that you can flash Magisk and other custom kernel
- FKM OTA updates:
- Open the Franco Kernel Manager. Go to the Flasher and tap on Import a kernel download configuration.
- Paste this url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Zile995/android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8953/oreo-mr1/updater/update.json
- Flash, wait for it to finish and restart your phone.
- Do not use FKM OTA updates over the other custom kernels!
- You can use it with stock or Underground kernel only!
- Do not flash this kernel if you don’t use Magisk! Without magisk, thermal zones are not configured. Thermal configuration is applied with Magisk on boot (it is also applied while Android is optimizing the apps/dalvik cache for the first time)
- Do not flash thermal mods
- You should not use LOS battery profiles, if you want to use kernel profiles.