A website for the card game 45s. https://fortyfives.net
docker pull thwar/fortyfives.net:latest
docker-compose up
Use the docker-compose-env.yml
if you want to use a .env
Generate secrets with mix phx.gen.secret
- Home:
- Register:
- Login:
- Forgot Password:
- Reset Password:
- Confirm Email:
- Settings:
- Confirm Email Change:
- Play (Authenticated): Join the game queue at
. - Play (Anonymous): Unauthenticated users,
- Game: Users can access a specific game using its ID at
. This is a live view for the game interface.
- Log Out:
. - Confirm Registration:
- Resend Confirmation Instructions:
https://github.com/SportsDAO/playing-card/tree/master He doesn't have a license on his cards
https://github.com/vcjhwebdev/blackjack This is the red back of the cards. It also has no license.