This module calculates basic mountain parameters such as average mountain length, width, elevation, Moho depth and erosion rate for three modern collisional mountains, the Himalaya-Tibetan plateau, Alps and Zagros. The details to calculate these parameters are provided in the Supplementary Information of Zhu et al., 2024 (doi:
- Natural Earth’s physical vectors (version 4.1.0)
- Global topography data from ETOPO1 at a spatial resolution of one arc-minute (Amante and Eakins, 2009).
- Global Moho depth data from CRUST1.0 at one-degree resolution (Laske et al., 2013).
- geopandas
- shapely (package for computational geometry)
- rasterio (For accessing the many different kind of raster data files used in the GIS field)
Amante, C. and B.W. Eakins, 2009. ETOPO1 1 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model: Procedures, Data Sources and Analysis. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESDIS NGDC-24. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V5C8276M [2022]
Laske, G., Masters., G., Ma, Z. and Pasyanos, M., Update on CRUST1.0 - A 1-degree Global Model of Earth's Crust, Geophys. Res. Abstracts, 15, Abstract EGU2013-2658, 2013.
This module provides codes to plot maps of the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau, Alps and Zagros, from Natural Earth’s physical vectors of mountains, as shown in the Figure 2 of Zhu et al., 2024 (doi: