ParserPython is a tutorial project designed to learn how to parse data, store and present that data using Django framework technologies.
- registration and authorization of users;
- getting a list of news from supported resources;
- receiving the text of a specific news;
- update of previously saved articles;
- transition to the original source of news;
- adding links to another resource and receiving data from the specified address;
- creation of your own news archive, with the ability to add or remove articles from it.
Install packages from requirements.txt file
Set the environment variable DEBUG (True - for local launch)
Add the environment variable DATABASE_URL, indicating the url to the connected database
Run the following commands from the superproject directory:
- Apply migrations
python migrate
- Create a superuser for access to project administration (the project configuration is set to Russian)
python createsuperuser
- Start the local server
python runserver
- Apply migrations