Task Manager
Description The Task Manager project is a Python application designed to help users manage tasks and generate reports based on task and user data. It provides functionality for registering users, adding tasks, viewing tasks, marking tasks as complete, editing tasks, and generating reports. This project is beneficial for individuals or teams who need to organize tasks efficiently and track their progress.
Table of Contents Installation Usage Credits Installation To install the Task Manager locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine. Navigate to the project directory. Ensure you have Python installed. Run python task_manager.py to start the application. Usage Once the Task Manager is installed, follow these instructions to use the application:
Upon launching the application, follow the on-screen prompts to register a user or log in.
Use the main menu options to add tasks, view tasks, mark tasks as complete, edit tasks, or generate reports.
When viewing tasks, you can select specific tasks to mark as complete or edit.
To generate reports, select the corresponding option from the main menu and follow the prompts.