Final group project developed for Web Languages and Technologies at FEUP.
Create a web application where users can share and review restaurants. To create this application, students should:
-Create a sqlite database where data about users and events is stored.
-Create documents using HTML and CSS that represent the web pages of the application.
-Use PHP to generate those web pages after retrieving/changing data from the database.
-Use Javascript or jQuery to enhance the user experience (for example using Ajax).
Note: Frameworks were not allowed.
All users:
-Register a new account.
-Login and logout.
-Edit their profile.
Restaurant Owners:
-Add new restaurants to the database (name, description, photo, price range, category, open hours).
-Manage their own restaurants.
-Reply to reviews.
-Search for restaurants.
-Leave a review (score + optional comment).
Besides the basic requirements, the website features integration with google maps and search capabilities.