In few months this would be production ready app for playing lectures of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) (
Tech stack
- Kotlin Mobile Multiplatform
- MVI-Kotlin
- Decompose
- Ktor
- SqlDelight
- KMM Settings
- ExoPlayer (for now only Android app has a player functionality)
- JetpackCompose (Android)
- SwiftUI (IOs)
in plans : KMM Firebase & Crashlytics (kermit) Material 3 and proper theming in all components AudioPlayer will be fixed in bottombar (hide on scroll) Topbar menu (hide on scroll)
No DI framework used for now... had a hard time trying to use Koin ))
- Download paginated list of lectures
- List of lectures
- Pagination control
- Audio player