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Character Management

Ahmed H. Ismail edited this page Dec 27, 2020 · 7 revisions

The bot provides several commands for managing and tracking characters.

  1. register
  2. list
  3. retire
  4. switch


Registers a new character. Only server admin or one with a character creation role can use this command. read this guide for info on roles.

Usage $register @Owner Character Name. You can also override the starting xp or starting gold via --xp <value> and --gold <value> respectively.

The mentioned user is the owner of the character you are creating. Note this has to be an actual mention.


Examples assume prefix is $.

Create a character called Dale Stanley for user @SomeOne. This will create a character that starts with the default starting gold and level as defined in the guild configuration.

$register @SomeOne Dale Stanley

Same but overriding starting xp value $register @SomeOne Dale Stanley --xp 970 for both xp and gold $register @SomeOne Dale Stanley --xp 970 --gold 1000.44

Note that character names can not start with single quotes, double quotes or angle < brackets. If you wish to start or end the character name with a single quote encase the entire name in quotes. such as 'Travis Motze''


Lists your characters, or the characters of the mentioned user(s)


Assuming prefix is $. Using $list would list your characters. Using $list @User2 @OtherUser would list the characters of users if they have any characters.


Retires a character, requires confirmation. $retire Character Name. Warning will delete a character whose level is less than guild's retirement level. This operation is permanent.


Switches the currently active character. Please note that character names are case sensitive


Switching to a character called Bota Fetta $switch Botta Fetta

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