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Grub App Backend Repo

This is the backend for the Grub mobile app. The front-end (A React Native Android App) is available on github here.

The Grub API endpoints are only accessible to authorised users. To create an account you must post to /api/users with the relevant user fields (username, password, location, contact) in JSON format.

Once an account has been created authorisation can be gained by sending a post request to /api/auth with the correct username and password provided in JSON format. The service will reply with a JSON that has a key 'token'. This token must be provided in the header of all subsequent API requests as a bearer token (valid for 7 days).


Clone this repo:

git clone

Then from the project folder run:

npm install

to install all the project dependencies. The back end was created with Node.js (v19.3.0), express (v4.18.2), jsonwebtoken (9.0.0), mongodb (v5.1.0), mongoose (v7.0.3), passport.js (v0.6.0) with passport-local (v1.0.0) and passport-jwt (v4.0.1).

Environment variables

To run the backend environment variables need to be set for the MongoDB URI. These are stored in two separate files: (development / production)
.env.mondoURI.test (for running the test suite)

Format of .env file:


When running as a local instance the port will default to 10000. This can be changed by setting a PORT environment variable. Alternatively the default value can be changed in the listener.js file.


To run a local instance of the backend:

npm run start

To seed the development/production database:

npm run seed

To run the test suite:

npm test

The test script uses Jest.

Live instance:

A live instance of this backend is running on render and can be found here

API Endpoints

The following endpoints are available to unauthenticated requests:

POST (/api/users)

Use this endpoint to create a new user account. Requires the following parameters (JSON) :

  • username (string value)
  • password (string value)
  • Location (in Lat./Long e.g. {latitude: 50.00, longitude: 2.0304})
  • contact (string value)

The following endpoints are available to authenticated requests:

GET (/api/users/:username) - Returns a users details (excluding password and salt)
GET (/api/items) - Returns a JSON with an array of items and total_items (the total number of items in the container)
This end point accepts the following queries:

  • limit - the maximum number of items to return (defaults to 100)
  • page - the page to show, defaults to 0

GET (/api/items/:lat/:long) - Return a JSON with an array of items within 5 miles of the lat/long and includes a distance field (in meters) and toal_items (the total number of items that fall within the range)
This end point accepts the following queries:

  • range - (in meters) defaults to 8 statue miles
  • desc - defaults to false (items are returned in ascending order)
  • limit - the maximum number of items to return (defaults to 100)
  • page - the page to show, defaults to 0

GET (/api/items/:lat1/:long1/:lat2/:long2) Returns an array of items within the region bounded by the bottom left (lat1/long1) and top right (lat2/long2) co-ordinates
GET (/api/items/:_id) - Returns the details of a single item
GET (/api/categories) - Returns an array of categories

PATCH (/api/items/:_id) - Toggles the availability of the item. Requires the body to contain an object with a key 'username' set to the username of the account that is making the toggle. Any account can reserve an item but only the owner of the item or account that has reserved the item may unreserve.

DELETE (/api/items/:_id) - Deletes the item with corresponding _id

POST (/api/auth) - POST used for authentication
POST (/api/items) - POST used to create a new item


Grub App Backend Repo






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