- Alex Yee
- Anthony Watson
- Umar Sohi
- Quinglun Huang
- build.sh = bash build script for pandoc. Generates report.pdf
- report.pdf = the report for this lab
- pics/ = folder full of pics of graphs nec for report / analysis
- src/ = dir w/ code for project. Name by section from project pdf
- src/lab_ex.m = lab exercies section of assignment. Sections 3.x
- src/warm_up.m = warm_up section of assignment. Sections 2.x
- src/prelab.m = prelab section of assignment. Sections 1.x
- src/lighthouse.mat = matlab matrix w/ lighthouse image
- docs/ = dir containing all of the necessary markdown & latex files to make report.pdf
- docs/title.md = title page in markdown
- docs/draft.md = Draft of the report file in markdown
- docs/mod.tex = modified latex template used to gen report (look @ build.sh for more)
- ignoring 1-DigitalImage.pdf, show_img.m, trusize.m. Files given to us for project. Did not create.
To generate the report.pdf file:
# on bash commandline