lighten is a set of comprehensive brainless Java 8 libraries covers WebSocket, Kafka, Redis and more
You need JRE 1.8 to make it work
This library is designed for shorten development time, so It enforces you to use some libraries like rxJava.
The performance is the second class in this library, brainless and convenient for use is first class
This component can auto handle failure and reconnect to your websocket in the fly (including re-send subscription message)
case1 simple direct subscription
private static void simpleDirectSubscription() throws InterruptedException {
Duration duration = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
LightenWebSocketClient lightenWebSocketClient
= new LightenWebSocketClient("wss://", duration);
Disposable subscribtion =
lightenWebSocketClient.listenToTopic("", false).subscribe(System.out::println);
Thread.sleep(1000 * 5);
case2 simple direct subscription with subtopic
private static void simpleSubTopicSubscription() throws InterruptedException {
Duration duration = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
LightenWebSocketClient lightenWebSocketClient
= new LightenWebSocketClient("wss://", duration);
// case 1 simple direct subscription
Disposable subscribtion =
lightenWebSocketClient.listenToTopic("/ws/btcusdt@depth10@100ms", false).subscribe(System.out::println);
Thread.sleep(1000 * 5);
case3 subscription with subtopic and msg
private static void subscriptionWithSubscriptionMsg() throws InterruptedException {
Duration duration = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
LightenWebSocketClient lightenWebSocketClient
= new LightenWebSocketClient("wss://", duration);
Disposable subscribtion =
lightenWebSocketClient.listenToTopic("/ws/btcusdt@depth10@100ms", false).subscribe(System.out::println);
lightenWebSocketClient.sendTextMsg("/ws/btcusdt@depth10@100ms", "{\n" +
" \"method\": \"SUBSCRIBE\"," +
" \"params\": [" +
" \"btcusdt@aggTrade\"" +
" ]," +
" \"id\": 1" +
"}", true);
Thread.sleep(1000 * 5);
A wrapper on top of official producer / consumer API.
LightenKafkaClient client = new LightenKafkaClient("");
// consumer
client.initConsumer("groupID", "latest", false, false);
Flowable<String> result = lightenKafkaClientUnderTest.listenToTopic("topic");
result.dispose(); // free resource and cutoff stream
// producer
client.publishMessage("topic", "payload");
A wrapper for lettuce, but with auto byte conversion.
So you can use it just like a hashmap.
final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
map.put("test", new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
map.get("test").put("inner", "innerValue");
LightenRedisClient<String, ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>>> lightenRedisClientUnderTest2 = new LightenRedisClient<>("", "");
lightenRedisClientUnderTest2.put("mapTesting", map);
ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>> obtainedMap = lightenRedisClientUnderTest2.get("mapTesting");
Assertions.assertEquals(map.toString(), obtainedMap.toString());