This repository is a collection of codes related to ham radio that I have developed over the past decade and regularly use in my daily on-air operations. Feel free to make use any of these for personal non-commercial purposes AT YOUR OWN RISK. I only ask that proper attribution be given to the original source. These codes were developed for my own amusement and are made available without any implied guarrentees. These code are not meant to compete with or be alternatives to any other similar or related projects. I welcome any CONSTRUCTIVE feedback and/or suggested improvements but I am not of a mindset to provide much in the way of "tech support" or additional documentation. (I am open to collabrative efforts if such an endeaver would be mutually beneficial.)
To give you a taste of what these codes are all about, here is a screen shot of what I am looking at during a CW contest:
The top panel is from an SDR connected to my rig and is a waterfall centered around my current "run" frequency. The horizontal panel below that is the logging/keying program while the vertical panel on the right is a list of spots from the DX cluster. At the bottom of the screen is a clock showing the current UTC time and grey-line. Behind all of this is the controls for the SDR.
More detailed descriptions of each package and the entire suite are in the works. Related websites include and
73 de AA2IL
P.S. I am no longer a memebr of the corrupt ARRL. Please use the following email address for any correspondence: joe DOT aa2il AT
To be continued ...