Most users can skip this section.
Make sure your packages are up to date.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Instructions are given for Ubuntu Linux. The required dependencies are:
- Python 3.5+, Python 3.5+-dev
- docker
- wget
- unzip
- gcc/g++
$ sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3.6-dev
If using WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux) You'll also need to install python 2. This is included by default in standalone Ubuntu, but not WSL.
sudo apt-get install python
This is the easiest and fastest way to get things up and running. We've provided a script to automate much of this process.
Install docker with
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
sudo apt install
Now enable docker using
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
WSL users should follow this guide
Now run the provided buildScript
bash buildScript
Follow this guide if you want to build on your local machine without using the container.
We recommend using Anaconda to manage your environment.
Create a conda environment:
$ conda create --name deephol
$ conda activate deephol
Now install the following Python packages.
h5py, six,
numpy, scipy, wheel, mock, pyfarmhash, grpcio, grpcio-
tools, keras_applications, keras_preprocessing
$ pip install h5py six numpy scipy wheel
mock pyfarmhash grpcio
$ pip install keras_applications ==1.0.6
keras_preprocessing ==1.0.5 --no - deps
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd deepmath
$ git submodule update --init
Bazel is a build manager for tensorflow. We need to install this in order to build deepmath.
$ wget
$ chmod 777
$ bash --prefix=$HOME/bazel --user
$ PATH=$HOME/bazel/bin:$PATH
Navigate to the tensorflow dirctory and configure the following options, editing as necessary.
$ cd deepmath/tensorflow
Now you need to set the PYTHON_BIN_PATH environment variable.
$ export $PYTHON_BIN_PATH=<$(which python)
This step will take awhile. go fix yourself some snacks while it works. Also, it will fail if you have less than 8GB of memory available, so maybe kill some of those chrome tabs?
$ cd ..
$ bazel build -c opt //deepmath/deephol:main --define grpc_no_ares=true --python_path=$PYTHON_BIN_PATH
Set up a docker network, and run the provided container on that network. It will be helpful to save the ip address in an environment variable.
$ docker network create holist_net
$ docker run -d --network=holist_net --name=holist
$ export HNET_IP="$(sudo docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' holist)"
To stop the container, run
$ docker stop holist && docker rm holist && docker network rm holist_net
Before running, you need to specify some configuration files. Some sample files are provided.
$ wget -O /tmp/
$ unzip /tmp/ -d ./data
Now we can run deephol with
$ python bazel-bin/deepmath/deephol/main --prover_options=data/configuration/prover_options.textpb --output=data/proof_logs.textpbs --proof_assistant_server_address=$HNET_IP:2000
You can expect some errors in the generated proofs, so you'll need to check them with HOL-Light.
$ python bazel-bin/deepmath/deephol/utilities/proof_checker --theorem_database=/data/theorem_database_v1.1.textpb \
--proof_logs=data/proof_logs.textpbs \
$ cp data/proof_logs.textpbs ../hol-light
$ cd ..
$ docker build -f hol-light/Dockerfile_check_proofs --ulimit stack=1000000000 --tag check_proofs hol-light/
$ docker run check_proofs
Configuration options can be found in \ \lstinline{deepmath/data/configuration/prover_options.textpb}. \ Available configuration options are determined by \ \lstinline{deepmath/deephol/deephol.proto}. \ Whenever changes are made to \lstinline{deephol.proto}, it must be compiled with:
$ python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=bazel-genfiles/deepmath/deephol/ deepmath/deephol/deephol.proto