Contributors: Jordan, Darania, Aaishah, and Oliver.
- Our task as a group was to build a frontend for a backend application built by another BNTA team, Blue Chicken FM, using the React library, JavaScript, and CSS.
- This was done over the course of one week before presenting and doing a demo of our finished before colleagues and clients.
- The backend is a music API built in Java that features a database of artists, albums, and songs. It features key CRUD operations.
- Application fetches data from API and renders it on the page.
- User can add artists, albums, and songs to the database through our app, as well as filter through a search bar by artist name etc.
- Mobile friendly, responsive design for most of the application.
- Light and dark mode, as well as hidden colour modes (try clicking on the chickens on our Album page!).
- Multi-page app using React Router (v5).
- First time working as a group to build a full React application.
- Limited scope to implement some features, such as allowing users to favourite a song and add it to a playlist, as part of the task was to not edit the backend in any way.
- Ensuring mobile friendly responsive design for every part of the application.
- Adding favourite song functionality.
- Map individual album/artist/song art onto relevant components - perhaps through use of an external API.
- Connecting to an external API in order to play songs through our application.
- Use of library like React Transition Group to improve page transitions done through React Router.