The Memory Game app is a SwiftUI-based project designed to demonstrate fundamental concepts of game development and UI design. Built with a focus on responsiveness and user interaction, the app utilizes state management to handle card flipping and matching logic efficiently. Key features include dynamic card generation, animated transitions for flipping cards, and a user-friendly interface that adapts to different device sizes.
- App loads to display a grid of cards initially placed face-down
- Users can tap cards to toggle their display between the back and the face
- When two matching cards are found, they both disappear from view
- User can reset the game and start a new game via a button
- User can select number of pairs to play with (at least 2 unique values like 2 and 4)
- App allows for user to scroll to see pairs out of view.
- Add any flavor you’d like to your UI with colored buttons or backgrounds, unique cards, etc