- Current Version:
- Last Updated (AEST): 2022-08-10 11:20:08AM
This is a strict, curated whitelist for AdGuard Home with a focus on enforcing privacy and security.
It also helps avoid ads, trackers and malware, and blocks tracking and telemetry whenever possible, by default.
It's a great starting point for people who wish to run AdGuard Home in a strict whitelisting manner.
ℹ Please learn AdGuard Home's interface before using this list.
AdGuard-Home-Whitelist © 2022 - hl2guide
- Added more Fedora and Ubuntu mirrors
Name | Description |
🏢 Microsoft Products | Windows 10, Windows 11, account etc |
📦 Package Managers | winget and chocolatey (choco) |
🔐 Password Managers | Bitwarden and LastPass |
📒 Note Managers | Standard Notes and Evernote |
🎮 PC Game Launchers | Steam, Epic Games, EA Origin & Desktop, XBOX GamePass for PC |
🦠 Second-Opinion Malware Scanners | Malwarebytes, SuperAntispyware, ESET Online Scanner and HitManPro |
✍ Development Languages | C#, Python, Golang, Ruby etc |
📚 Programming Editors | Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio and VSCodium |
🏬 Australian specific stores | JB Hifi, Coles, Woolworths, OfficeWorks etc |
🏦 Australian government websites | Election, tax office etc |
and more.. see whitelist as RAW
- 🍏 Apple products or services
- 💭 Social media sites
- 🛒 Majority of online shopping sites
- 🙄 Ads, trackers and malware, tracking and telemetry (whenever possible)
🖊 Take the above into account and that fact I live in Australia. The whitelist reflects those facts.
👀 Check the whitelist first to see if it suits your needs.
- Expected AdGuard Home Average RAM Usage: around 18MB
- Number of Rules: over 4200
I will update this repo infrequently and sporadically.
See USAGE.md for more information.