Submitted by: Aaryaa Moharir
Triva is an app that utilizes the Open Trivia API to generate a list of trivia questions to ask the user. The user answers 10 questions of random categories and gets Time spent: 6 hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
- User can view and answer at least 5 trivia questions.
- App retrieves question data from the Open Trivia Database API.
- Fetch a different set of questions if the user indicates they would like to reset the game.
- Users can see score after submitting all questions.
- True or False questions only have two options.
The following optional features are implemented:
- Allow the user to choose a specific category of questions.
- Provide the user feedback on whether each question was correct before navigating to the next.
The following additional features are implemented:
- changed the input from the API to get rid of most of the HTML text in the label
I struggled with getting the information from the API and convrting it to a format that was compatible with the code from the previous lab. I originally had string arrays and couldn't just store the questions in them as their type wasn't the same.
Copyright 2024 Aaryaa Moharir
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